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Trivariate Copula Based Evaluation Model of Water Accessibility

Authors: Fawen Li, Huifeng Liu, Xu Chen, Dong Yu

Published in: Water Resources Management | Issue 9/2019

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Water accessibility is an important factor in water use assessments for water users. Water accessibility is affected by climate and socio-economic changes, and notably large regional differences exist. Therefore, understanding water accessibility is essential for effective water management. Based on the length, runoff and viewshed value of each water consumption grid, this paper characterized the corresponding water accessibility using the standardized accumulative probability distribution of the three variables. The Copula function was used to connect the accumulative probability distributions of the three variables and construct a joint distribution. The joint probability distribution was applied to characterize the water accessibility of all of the water consumption grids, and a grid-scale water accessibility evaluation model-LRV (Length-Runoff-Viewshed) was constructed. This paper chose the Yongdinghe River Basin as a case study to evaluate water accessibility using the LRV model. The T Copula function was chosen as the joint distribution function to obtain the water accessibility distribution pattern of the Yongdinghe River Basin. This model obtained the water accessibility of every water consumption grid and provided technical support for refined water resources management.

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Trivariate Copula Based Evaluation Model of Water Accessibility
Fawen Li
Huifeng Liu
Xu Chen
Dong Yu
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Water Resources Management / Issue 9/2019
Print ISSN: 0920-4741
Electronic ISSN: 1573-1650