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2021 | Book

TRIZ-Anwendertag 2020

Editor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Mayer

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg


About this book

TRIZ is a valuable tool for inventive problem solving. Based on patent analysis TRIZ enables the faster solution-oriented generation of ideas in fields of technology, organizations, and software. Still TRIZ is not the only way that leads to innovation. There are more tools and each of them has its own pros and cons. Combining them is the key to success. The 1st TRIZ online conference by Bayern Innovativ was born from the TRIZ-Anwendertage. The idea behind is providing a platform that allows to discuss and display TRIZ development in the context of innovation methodology. This book presents papers in German and English language on how TRIZ is related to other tools like Design Thinking, the St. Gallen Business models, etc.

Table of Contents

Technical Systems and Their Purposes
The conceptual foundation of its own theory in the “TRIZ Body of Knowledge” [5] is operated only half-heartedly. Especially the question, what is a technical system, is left to everybody’s imagination – you know what we’re talking about. In this text I try to develop theoretical context for this notion and ask how far it takes, in order to describe the world of technical systems in more detail. The not surprising answer is not very far, because the whole is also here more than the sum of its parts.
Hans-Gert Gräbe
Applying TRIZ Tools in Product Foresight and Technology Forecasting: A Case Study from Industry
The systematic observing and evaluation of the technology to obtain early information about the opportunities and risks of new technological developments is a key objective of technology forecasting and product foresight. The technology evaluation articulates the technology-related knowledge to assess the identified technologies’ potential use in products and processes. In this paper, the focus will be on existing forecasting methods and combinations. Moreover, the paper will figure out, if TRIZ and combinations of its methods support the forecasting process and which value it has been created. The paper provides a case study how TRIZ tools can be applied for an innovative, and more digital product like the Tesla car and derives future potential for the product and the embedded technologies. After that, it is compared with available expert view on the future to outline the differences in comparison to the TRIZ-based approach. As a result, implications for practice and research are summarized based on the developed TRIZ framework and its applicability to industry.
Martin Kiesel, Jens Hammer, Alexander Kiesel
Der Einsatz von TRIZ im Design Thinking Prozess: Erfahrungen aus der Praxis
Bedingt durch eine zunehmende Beschleunigung der globalen Vernetzung sowie der gesamten Ökonomie, werden Unternehmen gezwungen immer mehr neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen in kürzeren Zeitintervallen auf den Markt zu bringen. Nur so können sie sich erfolgreich gegenüber dem Wettbewerb etablieren. In diesem Zusammenhang halten agile Innovationsmethoden Einzug in die Unternehmenslandschaft. Aufgrund zunehmender Kombination verschiedener Methoden, ist der zentrale Bestandteil dieser Arbeit eine Überprüfung der potenziellen Methodenintegration aus der Theorie des erfinderischen Problemlösens (TRIZ) in das Design Thinking. Hierzu wird zunächst eine ausführliche theoretische Betrachtung beider Ansätze sowie eine Gegenüberstellung dieser vorgenommen. Durch gezielte Expertenbefragung wurden beide Praktiken auf ihre Anwendung in der Praxis überprüft. Die Interviewergebnisse wurden evaluiert und mit der Literatur abgeglichen. Basierend darauf wurde ein mögliches Implementierungskonzept erarbeitet, welches die Erkenntnisse aus der Befragung sowie die der Literatur vereint.
Tobias Bayer, Jens Hammer, Andrea Badura
TRIZ Innovationsprinzipien und St. Gallener Business Model Navigator™
Parallelen zweier Ansätze zur kreativen Lösung domänenspezifischer Probleme
Diese Arbeit stellt Beziehungen zwischen zwei Sammlungen von Ansätzen zur kreativen Lösung von Problemen vor, die unterschiedlichen Forschungsgebieten entstammen und unterschiedliche Probleme adressieren.
Zum einen werden die 40 TRIZ Innovationsprinzipien betrachtet, die der Problemlösung in technischen Domänen zugeordnet werden können. Zum anderen werden die 55 Geschäftsmodellmuster des St. Gallener Business Model Navigators™ betrachtet, bei der die Kreation von Geschäftsmodellen, und damit eine betriebswirtschaftlich-unternehmerische Sichtweise, im Fokus steht.
So unterschiedlich die zu behandelnden Probleme sind, so synchron sind die zwei Systeme hinsichtlich ihrer Entstehung und Nutzung und auch hinsichtlich ihrer inhaltlichen Strukturen, wie die weiteren Ausführungen zeigen.
Raphaela Leonhard-Pfleger
Big Data in TRIZ as a Field
Functional Analysis is a key tool in TRIZ. As elements components that have a rest mass and technical fields are accepted elements. Software per se and parameters are not allowed. Nowadays Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and software are getting more and more importance in technical system as elements that change parameters of other components and fields. We have suggested at TRIZfest 2019 to introduce Big Data as a resource. In the intense discussion this idea was rejected and suggested to think about introducing Big Data (AI & Software) as a field to function analysis. Simon Litvin suggested to allow software as a field. This paper will emphasis on this idea and present examples how this could look like.
Oliver Mayer
TRIZ Inspired Creation of Digital Business Models
TRIZ is currently not frequently used for the creation of Digital Business Models. The author has created an approach inspired by the 40 Inventive Principles, which summarizes the 40 most successful digital business models. This approach has already been used successfully in workshops. It also uses a matrix called the contradiction solver to overcome business contradictions. The different principles are not 1 to 1 translations of the inventive principles as they have a different basis.
Stefan Schaper
Flussanalyse in TRIZ – ein anderer Zugang zur Problemlösung
This paper describes a case study for the use of the TRIZ Flow Analysis for an established technical system. The analytical method was used in a loose connection with the Functional Analysis and Trends of Engineering System Evolution (TESE) to create a work aid to facilitate the usage in the everyday development environment.
Uwe Schaumann
Unterstützung einer bionischen Vorgehensweise mithilfe von TRIZ am Beispiel einer Komponentenentwicklung für Haushaltsgeräte
This paper describes a case study for the use of bionics in connection with TRIZ tools within an industrial development project. The challenge is to provide a user-friendly procedure to an interdisciplinary project team.
The case study clarifies that the bionic top-down approach can be successfully supported by TRIZ without methodically overloading the process.
Uwe Schaumann
Resource-Oriented Search (ROS)
The Role of the Human Being to Find the Right Resource
After defining the term resource in a TRIZ sense, the paper covers the roles and the significance of the human being for efficiently finding the right resource to solve an inventive task. In addition to that, an overview is given of how different TRIZ experts group resources in certain categories and how this sorting differ. Together with a proposal for a common or standardised understanding of resource grouping, two additional ones are added. These suggested groups are the human being and the process flow. The process flow here is the sequence of different time steps and stages until a certain process stage is achieved. The focus is to find the ideal or right resource using a workflow with the application of different general problem models. Furthermore, the aspect of the human being, i.e., the skill and experience of the solver to fulfil a human need, is highlighted.
Jochen Wessner
Resource-Oriented Search (ROS)
Efficiently Find the Right Resource for an Innovative Task
After defining the term resource in a general sense, the paper covers a procedure to look for resources efficiently in a directed way to find a solution to an innovative task. This proposed workflow contains hints to search a suitable resource after an analysis step and suggests an evaluation step after a first solution sketch to judge if this goal was achieved. The procedure is presented in a general way, i.e. it addresses either the problem solving by using an identified resource or the further improvement of a system in the direction of higher ideality. The goal is to propose one line of action to follow for the two previously mentioned cases and help to find the ideal resource.
Jochen Wessner
TRIZ-Anwendertag 2020
Prof. Dr. Oliver Mayer
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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