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Two-stage pseudo maximum likelihood estimation of semiparametric copula-based regression models for semi-competing risks data

Authors: Sakie J. Arachchige, Xinyuan Chen, Qian M. Zhou

Published in: Lifetime Data Analysis

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We propose a two-stage estimation procedure for a copula-based model with semi-competing risks data, where the non-terminal event is subject to dependent censoring by the terminal event, and both events are subject to independent censoring. With a copula-based model, the marginal survival functions of individual event times are specified by semiparametric transformation models, and the dependence between the bivariate event times is specified by a parametric copula function. For the estimation procedure, in the first stage, the parameters associated with the marginal of the terminal event are estimated using only the corresponding observed outcomes, and in the second stage, the marginal parameters for the non-terminal event time and the copula parameter are estimated together via maximizing a pseudo-likelihood function based on the joint distribution of the bivariate event times. We derived the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator and provided an analytic variance estimator for inference. Through simulation studies, we showed that our approach leads to consistent estimates with less computational cost and more robustness than the one-stage procedure developed in Chen YH (Lifetime Data Anal 18:36–57, 2012), where all parameters were estimated simultaneously. In addition, our approach demonstrates more desirable finite-sample performances over another existing two-stage estimation method proposed in Zhu H et al., (Commu Statistics-Theory Methods 51(22):7830–7845, 2021) . An R package PMLE4SCR is developed to implement our proposed method.

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Two-stage pseudo maximum likelihood estimation of semiparametric copula-based regression models for semi-competing risks data
Sakie J. Arachchige
Xinyuan Chen
Qian M. Zhou
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Lifetime Data Analysis
Print ISSN: 1380-7870
Electronic ISSN: 1572-9249

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