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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Understanding Farmers Utilization of Rice and Maize Residue in the Coastal Region of Togo: A Survey-Based Study

Authors : Mawunyo Simon Pierre Kitegi, Kperkouma Wala, Madjouma Kanda, Folega Fousseni

Published in: Urban Climate Change Adaptation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The coastal region of Togo underwent a comprehensive research study aimed at exploring the utilization of rice and corn residues by local farmers. To ensure accuracy and depth, the investigation involved direct collaboration with farmers’ organisations operating in the area. The data pertinent to these organisations were diligently collected from the esteemed Ministry of Agriculture of Togo. For this study, surveys were conducted with direct interaction and engagement with farmers’ organisations. The research specifically targeted maize growers in Ave, Bas Mono, Lacs, and Yoto, while focusing on rice producers in Zio, Yoto, and Bas-Mono. The compelling results derived from the study affirmed that rice paddy and maize are the most prominently cultivated cereal crops in the coastal region. However, it was found that both maize straw and stalks tend to be disposed of through burning. Similarly, rice paddy straw and husks are also subjected to burning, except for rice bran, which is utilized as animal feed due to its nutritional value. The research identified three primary reasons that compel farmers to resort to burning crop residues. Firstly, time constraints play a significant role, as farmers often face pressing schedules and labor demands, leaving them with limited options for residue management. Secondly, the lack of access to advanced machinery or appropriate equipment poses a notable hindrance in handling and processing crop residues efficiently. Lastly, economic constraints play a pivotal role, as farmers may perceive burning as a cost-effective and accessible means of disposing of crop residues. It is important to note that using a combine harvester for rice harvesting helps to increase efficiency while also preventing farmers from burning the residue on the farm. In conclusion, this comprehensive study sheds light on the prevailing practices and challenges related to crop residue management in the coastal region of Togo. Understanding the factors influencing farmers’ decisions to burn residues provides valuable insights for formulating strategies to encourage more sustainable and environmentally friendly approaches in agricultural practices within the region.

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Understanding Farmers Utilization of Rice and Maize Residue in the Coastal Region of Togo: A Survey-Based Study
Mawunyo Simon Pierre Kitegi
Kperkouma Wala
Madjouma Kanda
Folega Fousseni
Copyright Year