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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Eco-innovation

Authors : Yudian Chen, Teng Li

Published in: Climate Governance and Corporate Eco-innovation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This Chapter provides readers with an overview of empirical research on corporate decision-making about the implementation of ecologically innovative practices (i.e., corporate eco-innovation). Through a systematic review of 100 academic publications, we shed light on the past and present state of corporate eco-innovation research. We initially address the divergency of the terminologies and definitions for eco-innovations in business contexts and its measurements used in quantitative regression analysis. Despite the paucity of prior research on this subject, we aim to provide an overview of the influential factors, driving forces, and motivations that underpin firms’ eco-innovation decision-making, as well as its impact on corporate structure and processes, organizing strategies, and operational efficiency and other performance. We conclude with some suggestions for future research on corporate eco-innovation.

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Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Eco-innovation
Yudian Chen
Teng Li
Copyright Year