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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. University 3.0: Entrepreneurship Education and Socio-Digital Skills (SDS) as Pillars of Sustainability in the Future Education for the Asia-Pacific and the World

Authors : Francisco Javier Álvarez Torres, José Ernesto Rangel Delgado, Ana Lilia Sánchez Regla

Published in: Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Universities are experiencing key adjustments derived from the COVID-19, environmental and economic reset crises. This has led us to explore virtual environments and to rethink consumption mechanisms in a waste economy. The current scenario has generated economic, social and environmental problems that must be addressed from new educational paradigms using entrepreneurship and technology as allies in what we call “University 3.0”. The objective of this research is to describe the necessary conditions to develop entrepreneurial skills in university students in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, stressing the importance of entrepreneurship in environmental challenges, as well as the exploration of socio-digital skills in virtual and hybrid scenarios; and to debate the possible consequences in the designs of educational programs by 2030. The results detect key areas in promoting an educational space where the strengthening of entrepreneurship, the development of emotional skills, and a greater connection with the environment will allow us to face the challenges of sustainability.

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University 3.0: Entrepreneurship Education and Socio-Digital Skills (SDS) as Pillars of Sustainability in the Future Education for the Asia-Pacific and the World
Francisco Javier Álvarez Torres
José Ernesto Rangel Delgado
Ana Lilia Sánchez Regla
Copyright Year