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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Unpaired Multimodal Neural Machine Translation via Reinforcement Learning

Authors : Yijun Wang, Tianxin Wei, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen

Published in: Database Systems for Advanced Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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End-to-end neural machine translation (NMT) heavily relies on parallel corpora for training. However, high-quality parallel corpora are usually costly to collect. To tackle this problem, multimodal content, especially image, has been introduced to help build an NMT system without parallel corpora. In this paper, we propose a reinforcement learning (RL) method to build an NMT system by introducing a sequence-level supervision signal as a reward. Based on the fact that visual information can be a universal representation to ground different languages, we design two different rewards to guide the learning process, i.e., (1) the likelihood of generated sentence given source image and (2) the distance of attention weights given by image caption models. Experimental results on the Multi30K, IAPR-TC12, and IKEA datasets show that the proposed learning mechanism achieves better performance than existing methods.

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Unpaired Multimodal Neural Machine Translation via Reinforcement Learning
Yijun Wang
Tianxin Wei
Qi Liu
Enhong Chen
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