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Unveiling the diverse applications and problem-solving capabilities of the MOM-GEC hybrid approach: a comprehensive systematic review

Authors: Mariem Abdi, Taoufik Aguili

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 4/2024

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Hybrid numerical methods show great potential in enhancing conventional approaches, particularly when dealing with complex structures beyond the capabilities of individual methods or standard software. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the Method of Moments combined with the Generalized Equivalent Circuit (MOM-GEC) in electromagnetic modeling. Through comparative analysis with traditional numerical methods such as the Method of Moments, Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), and Finite Element Method (FEM), MOM-GEC’s unique advantages in adaptability, accuracy, and computational efficiency are highlighted. Mathematical formulations based on equations are integrated to clarify the method’s concepts and integration processes. The study showcases MOM-GEC’s successful deployment in various applications, demonstrating its versatility and efficacy in intricate scenarios such as antenna arrays, graphene-based metamaterial devices, and dosimetry in partially enclosed environments. Each case study undergoes re-evaluation by incorporating the generalized equivalent circuit approach, emphasizing MOM-GEC’s effectiveness in addressing diverse challenges. This underscores MOM-GEC’s versatility and efficacy across complex scenarios, reaffirming its value in electromagnetic modeling.

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Unveiling the diverse applications and problem-solving capabilities of the MOM-GEC hybrid approach: a comprehensive systematic review
Mariem Abdi
Taoufik Aguili
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 4/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137