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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Urban Public Space Accessibility–A Literature Review

Authors : Justyna Kleszcz, Anna Szczegielniak

Published in: Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The universal design of the urban environment and architectural accessibility of public space are important issues in an era of growing awareness of the needs of people with disabilities. The article reviews recent literature on the topic to identify research gaps and create future research agendas. A semi-structured literature review was performed using specific keywords, narrowing down the results to articles in fields such as architecture and urban planning. The analysis provided insight into commonly used methodologies and highlighted important concepts and problems, including the need for public spaces to meet the needs of a diverse group of citizens and the limitations of traditional models for measuring accessibility. Further research is necessary to address gaps in knowledge, such as analyzing the overall structure of urban spaces rather than individual elements, towns and villages as a subject of the study and participatory research involving people with disabilities.

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Urban Public Space Accessibility–A Literature Review
Justyna Kleszcz
Anna Szczegielniak
Copyright Year