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17-07-2017 | Original research

Using Data to Understand How to Better Design Adaptive Learning

Authors: Min Liu, Jina Kang, Wenting Zou, Hyeyeon Lee, Zilong Pan, Stephanie Corliss

Published in: Technology, Knowledge and Learning | Issue 3/2017

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There is much enthusiasm in higher education about the benefits of adaptive learning and using big data to investigate learning processes to make data-informed educational decisions. The benefits of adaptive learning to achieve personalized learning are obvious. Yet, there lacks evidence-based research to understand how data such as user behavior patterns can be used to design effective adaptive learning systems. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to investigate what behavior patterns learners with different characteristics demonstrate when they interact with an adaptive learning environment. Incoming 1st-year students in a pharmacy professional degree program engaged in an adaptive learning intervention that aimed to provide remedial instruction to better prepare these professional students before they began their formal degree program. We analyzed the participants’ behavior patterns through the usage data to understand how they used the adaptive system based upon their needs and interests. Using both statistical analyses and data visualization techniques, this study found: (1) apart from learners’ cognitive ability, it is important to consider affective factors such as motivation in adaptive learning, (2) lack of alignment among various components in an adaptive system can impact how learners accessed the system and, more importantly, their performance, and (3) visualizations can reveal interesting findings that can be missed otherwise. Such research should provide much needed empirical evidences and useful insights about how the analytics can inform the effective designs of adaptive learning.

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Using Data to Understand How to Better Design Adaptive Learning
Min Liu
Jina Kang
Wenting Zou
Hyeyeon Lee
Zilong Pan
Stephanie Corliss
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Technology, Knowledge and Learning / Issue 3/2017
Print ISSN: 2211-1662
Electronic ISSN: 2211-1670

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