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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Using Phytoremediation to Reduce Algal Blooms in Campus Green–Blue Space: A Research-Through-Design Study

Authors : Vipavee Surinseng, Yupa Chromkaew, Chulalux Wanitchayapaisit, Ekachai Yaipimol, Nadchawan Charoenlertthanakit, Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn

Published in: Urban Climate Change Adaptation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This research investigated the use of phytoremediation to mitigate algal blooms within campus green–blue spaces, taking Ang-Kaew University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, as a case study. In warmer climates, algal bloom can occur due to non-point source pollutants and stagnating water, thus decreasing the health and ecological benefits these spaces provide. Through a research-through-design methodology, which is a landscape architectural approach, this study explores the implementation of phytoremediation strategies to reduce water pollution. The processes of planting site selection, plant selection, and design implementation are systematically recorded, providing insights for future studies. Preliminary tests for plant survivability and potential water treatment efficacy were explored. However, long-term studies are required to conclude the efficacy of the design. This study pioneers the application of phytoremediation in green–blue spaces in subtropical campuses through research-through-design, encouraging further research and longitudinal studies in the field.

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Using Phytoremediation to Reduce Algal Blooms in Campus Green–Blue Space: A Research-Through-Design Study
Vipavee Surinseng
Yupa Chromkaew
Chulalux Wanitchayapaisit
Ekachai Yaipimol
Nadchawan Charoenlertthanakit
Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn
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