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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Venezuela: The Military Factor

Author : Miguel Angel Latouche

Published in: Venezuela – Dimensions of the Crisis

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In the process of institutional transformation advanced by Chavismo in Venezuela, there has been a profound change in both the military doctrine and the structure of the Armed Forces. The military has become a political actor with a strong influence in the distribution of power and resources. In this process Venezuela has become a Garrison State in which the “military factor” determines the scope and characteristics of social interaction. The militarization of society is a characteristic of the current political process in Venezuela, especially regarding the obvious belligerence of the Armed Forces. The country is on the verge of turning into a “military barrack” where the rights of the citizens are glaringly restricted.

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Venezuela: The Military Factor
Miguel Angel Latouche
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