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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. Verification of Transition Prediction for Flows with Suction Using Linear Stability Theory and \(e^N\)-Method

Authors : Normann Krimmelbein, Andreas Krumbein

Published in: Advanced Computational Methods and Design for Greener Aviation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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A transition prediction approach using linear stability theory and \(e^N\)-method is used for the evaluation of the stability of flows with suction. The input data for the stability analysis are directly taken from the solution of a RANS computation, where the suction velocity at the surface is introduced by a mass flux boundary condition. The prediction capability of the \(e^N\)-method is validated using different two– and three–dimensional experimental test cases, such as the flow over a NACA 64\(_2\)-A-215 and a NACA 64-A-010 airfoil and the flow over swept wings with ONERA D and ONERA DTP-B airfoil sections normal to the leading edge. A reduced critical N-factor for flows with suction, compared to a critical N-factor for the unaffected flow, is intended to account for disturbances possibly introduced to the flow due to the suction process itself or due to the surface roughness.

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Verification of Transition Prediction for Flows with Suction Using Linear Stability Theory and -Method
Normann Krimmelbein
Andreas Krumbein
Copyright Year

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