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War strategy optimization-based methods for pattern synthesis of antenna arrays and optimization of microstrip patch antenna

Authors: Renjing Gao, Wei Tong, Mingyue Zhang, Qi Wang

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 5/2024

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This paper first presents an application of the war strategy optimization (WSO) algorithm in pattern synthesis of antenna arrays and dimensions optimization of microstrip patch antenna. As a new type of evolutionary algorithm inspired by nature, the WSO algorithm has global optimization ability in solving complex problem including nonlinearity and nonconvexity; therefore, it will exhibit the potential advantages in the above two typical multivariate nonlinear problems. For solving pattern synthesis problem, the sidelobe reduction synthesis and null controlling of linear antenna arrays with different element are selected as numerical cases, and the WSO algorithm achieves the desired main beams width and null depth by optimizing the amplitude-only and the phase-only, respectively. For dimensions optimization of microstrip patch antenna, the WSO algorithm realizes the minimized reflection coefficient (S11) of − 80 dB at 3.1G Hz by optimizing the width and length of rectangle patch antenna. Moreover, compared with the Grasshopper optimization algorithm, the gray wolf optimization algorithm, and the invasive weed optimization algorithm, the WSO algorithm shows higher computational accuracy and faster convergence speed for solving the above two types of optimization problem. Therefore, the WSO algorithm can be widely used to in electromagnetic structure design.

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War strategy optimization-based methods for pattern synthesis of antenna arrays and optimization of microstrip patch antenna
Renjing Gao
Wei Tong
Mingyue Zhang
Qi Wang
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 5/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137