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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Weighted Linear Regression with Optimized Gap for Learned Index

Authors : Hongtao Sun, Libin Zheng, Jian Yin

Published in: Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Learned index is a novel index structure and changed the way we treat the traditional field of DBMS index. It views index as models and uses a learning-based approach to fit the distribution of stored data. The models input the key and output the predicted location of the target keys. To achieve higher query throughput, we propose WELGOR. We train the linear regression model with priority of the keys. To improve the mapping ability of the model, we use a hybrid model which adds the design of a simple linear model to better indexing keys. Besides, we also optimize the space allocation for gap design in node while achieving comparable throughput. Experiments show that WELGOR achieves 23% to 93% improvement in throughput compared with state-of-art methods.

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Weighted Linear Regression with Optimized Gap for Learned Index
Hongtao Sun
Libin Zheng
Jian Yin
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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