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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

27. Without Design, It’s just a Lump of Gold — Future Developments in Design as Luxury

Insights and Discussion

Authors : Silvio Barta, Uwe Stoklossa

Published in: Luxus als Distinktionsstrategie

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Luxury is complex. It’s all about design, and design in itself is so hard to define. Our human existence centres around the consumption of products and services, our definition of status and achievement focus on how luxurious our consumption is. We’ll see that historically, this is fluid and dynamic: it’s never been the same, and now, in our complex post-industrial, globalised and postmodern world, luxury is extremely personal and individual. Between gold and branding, I discuss with Uwe Stoklossa how experiences can be made luxurious. Hint: the secret is the experience.

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Without Design, It’s just a Lump of Gold — Future Developments in Design as Luxury
Silvio Barta
Uwe Stoklossa
Copyright Year