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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

ZF Vision EVplus – the New Definition of Plugin Hybrids

Authors : Dr. Michael Ebenhoch, Christoph Schill

Published in: 21. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Pragmatically, the ZF vision EVplus is a good solution to close the gap between flexibility, infrastructure, costs and CO2 efficiency. This concept is based on classic plugin hybrid technology with a stronger shift towards an electric vehicle. The primary drivetrain would be the electric one with an electric range of 80 km - enough for everyday mobility. The rare long-distance use cases can be supported by an efficient combustion engine. With this mix of energy sources, it is possible to generate the best of both. Charging infrastructure can be focused on everyday mobility. CO2 emissions over lifetime can be optimized by a high rate of electric driven distances with less battery capacity than necessary for long-range battery electric vehicles. ZF Friedrichshafen AG develops not only pure electric drivetrain solutions but also a sustainable and powerful plugin hybrid solution for EVplus: The 8HP 4th generation. This modular plugin hybrid transmission kit with over 150 kW electric power can cover the requirements of the vision EVplus. The modular approach with mild hybrid and conventional usage ensure high cost efficiency. The fully integrated solution includes the Power Inverter Module as well and fits into standard vehicle architecture.

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Infas, DLR, IVT und infas 360 (2018): Mobilität in Deutschland (im Auftrag des BMVI).
Fraunhofer IBP/thinkstep 2016; thinkstep 2019.
European commission 2011/2018, JRC 2018.
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ZF Vision EVplus – the New Definition of Plugin Hybrids
Dr. Michael Ebenhoch
Christoph Schill
Copyright Year