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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: How Institutional Voids Shape Economic Opportunities in Refugee Camps

verfasst von : Marlen de la Chaux

Erschienen in: Forced Displacement and Migration

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Refugee camps tend to be conceptualized as spaces that provide safety and aid to victims of forced displacement. Often overlooked, refugee camps are also vibrant spaces characterized by entrepreneurship, innovation, and lively market activity. This chapter examines how refugee entrepreneurs build businesses despite social, normative, and legal constraints of the refugee camp. I introduce three types of institutional voids that interface to constitute what I term the Humanitarian Institutional Arrangement typical of refugee camps. The chapter then explains how refugee camp entrepreneurs navigate these institutional voids in order to create sustainable businesses.

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Numerous examples of refugees’ skills and capacities are listed on the website of the Refugee Economies Programme of the University of Oxford: https://​www.​refugee-economies.​org/​.
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation: How Institutional Voids Shape Economic Opportunities in Refugee Camps
verfasst von
Marlen de la Chaux

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