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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Equity Diversification and Capital Allocation Efficiency: Evidence from China’s Mixed Ownership Reform

verfasst von : Qi Wang, Zhong Ma

Erschienen in: IEIS 2021

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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This study investigates the impact of equity diversification on the efficiency of corporate capital allocation. Using A-share listed Chinese state-owned companies in 2009–2016, we empirically test the relationship between equity diversification and capital allocation efficiency and find that introducing non-state capital into state-owned enterprises can significantly improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises’ capital allocation. We use China’s “mixed ownership reform” to construct a DID model to overcome the endogenous problem. Further tests show that the higher the participation of non-state shareholders, the more efficient the capital allocation of state-owned enterprises. Our results provide evidence for China’s State-owned enterprise reform.

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We thank the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No: 2020YJS068).
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Equity Diversification and Capital Allocation Efficiency: Evidence from China’s Mixed Ownership Reform
verfasst von
Qi Wang
Zhong Ma
Springer Nature Singapore

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