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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

9. ESG and its Impact on Financial Indicators

verfasst von : Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff, Sönke Niefünd, Julian von Pressentin

Erschienen in: ESG: Sustainability as a Strategic Success Factor

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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This chapter examines the impact of ESG factors (Environmental, Social, Governance) on the financial metrics of companies. It is argued that strong Corporate Social Performance (CSP), expressed in high ESG standards, often correlates with strong Corporate Financial Performance (CFP). The systematic consideration of ESG factors in corporate strategy can improve CSP and positively impact financial metrics. The chapter also highlights the role of ESG factors in investment decision-making and the increasing importance of ESG ratings. It concludes with a discussion on the challenges of integrating ESG factors and improving CSP, particularly in relation to the measurement, evaluation, and communication of ESG performance.

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ESG and its Impact on Financial Indicators
verfasst von
Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff
Sönke Niefünd
Julian von Pressentin

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