2015 | Buchreihe
Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics
40 Jahrgänge | 2015 - 2024
Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics is the official book series of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (www.ebesweb.org). Each issue of the series includes selected papers from the EBES conferences. The EBES conferences, which are being held three times a year, have been intellectual hub for academic discussion in economics, finance, and business fields and provide network opportunities for participants to make long lasting academic cooperation. Each conference features around 250 research articles presented and attended by almost 500 researchers from more than 60 countries around the World. Theoretical and empirical papers in the series cover diverse areas of business, economics, and finance from many different countries, providing a valuable opportunity to researchers, professionals, and students to catch up with the most recent studies in a diverse set of fields across many countries and regions.