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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Europe and Spanish Security and Defence Policy from Within

verfasst von : Natividad Fernández Sola

Erschienen in: Spain, Europe, and Western Security Policy

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This research aims to show the key features of the Spanish security and defence policy through the analysis of its institutions and bodies, decision-making process, and strategic documents. In this process, we will discuss the scope of Europeanisation in this public policy and point out some recommendations to reinforce Spain’s security and defence policy in the changing and uncertain international system context.
The first section explains the main milestones of the security and defence policy during the political transition that had an enormous impact on the military and the approach towards this policy. The second section deals with the primary strategic documents, even before the first national security strategy, to the present. The third section focuses on the institutional framework that allows the development of national security policy in its strategic planning facet and the application of its principles. Finally, after assessing the national system and its achievements, the conclusions contain some reflections and recommendations.

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The Conservative (PP) and the Socialist (PSOE) Parties, but also the Centrist UCD, who led the first approach to the EU, and negotiations from 1979 until 1982.
Law 17/1989; Law 17/1999, 18 May, on Armed Forces Staff Regime.
Royal Decree 247/2001, 9 March, decided the conscription’s suspension, and gave rise to a transitory mixed system in which replacement soldiers coexisted with professionals.
Spain supported both, the Security and Defence European Identity within NATO, and the development of a Common Defence Policy within the EU (White Book 2000).
Spain supported both, the Security and Defence European Identity within NATO, and the development of a Common Defence Policy within the EU (White Book 2000).
The move from an occupation army to a defensive one, projected towards foreign territory, started with the New Territorial Organisation of the Army (North Plan), approved in 1994. The scope of the 2005 National Security Law includes the defence of the country, its citizens, and constitutional order, as well as the contribution together with partners and allies to the international security (Art. 3).
See this full number analysing it: Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional 2013 (2014) Journal UNISCI/Revista UNISCI, 35, May.
National Security Department, NSS. A Shared Project by all and for all, December 1, 2017. Retrieved on May 16, 2023. https://​www.​dsn.​gob.​es/​gl/​2017-spanish-national-security-strategy
The 2011 SSS, i.e. included the resilience as a condition to cope with different security issues, mainly conflicts; idea the EU will include in the 2016 EU Global Strategy. In addition, this document suggests that Europe should address demographic aging, flows of immigration, energy dependency, or competence with other social and economic models that weaken the achievements of the Welfare State, something done by the EUGS 5 years later.
Article 4 of Law 11/2002. Every year an Intelligence Directive develops and specifies these tasks.
The National Cryptologic Centre (CCN), following the German or French model, is a state body attached to the National Intelligence Centre that provides defence before cyberthreats in any field of national security. Royal Decree 421/2004 legally regulates the CCN on March 12. Within it, there are two integrated parts: the Certification Body (OC) of the National Information Technology Security Assessment and Certification Scheme (ENECSTI), and the National Cryptologic Centre Computer Emergency Response Team (CCNCERT). https://​www.​ccn-cert.​cni.​es/​
Cyber-space Joint Command is a body within the Joint General Staff (MoD) responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, controlling and executing actions leading to ensuring the freedom of action of the Armed Forces in the cyberspace field. https://​emad.​defensa.​gob.​es/​unidades/​mcce/​
As Maritime National Security Strategy, ready to be approved in 2023, or National Strategy on fight against terrorism.
That is the Spanish Maritime Strategy 2013 was followed by the European in 2014. Now, this one is being reviewed and could be approved before or after the new Spanish maritime strategy; probably during the rotating Spanish Presidency of the Council (June–December 2023).
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Europe and Spanish Security and Defence Policy from Within
verfasst von
Natividad Fernández Sola

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