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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Evaluation of Fine-Grained Tropical Soils’ Resilient Behaviour for Pavement Design

verfasst von : Cláudio Rafael Cicuto Landim Alves Moreira, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues Guimarães, Filipe Almeida Corrêa Nascimento, Juliana Tanabe Assad dos Santos

Erschienen in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 4

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Tropical soils have demonstrated good mechanical behaviour when applied to pavement layers, contrary to current standards. In Brazil, a mechanistic-empirical method for pavement design—the MeDiNa method—has been implemented. This method uses the concept of resilient modulus through a composite model to evaluate pavements. Thus, this article discusses the mechanical behaviour through resilient modulus analyses. Laboratory tests were performed on ten samples of tropical fine-grained lateritic soils from São Paulo (Brazil). The results were evaluated according to constitutive models to predict the performance of the resilient modulus. Additionally, the materials were evaluated for highway pavement design. Results showed that, even though the materials are fine-grained, the soils exhibited good resilient behaviour and were suitable for application in pavement layers, due to their lateritic classification.

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Evaluation of Fine-Grained Tropical Soils’ Resilient Behaviour for Pavement Design
verfasst von
Cláudio Rafael Cicuto Landim Alves Moreira
Antonio Carlos Rodrigues Guimarães
Filipe Almeida Corrêa Nascimento
Juliana Tanabe Assad dos Santos
Springer Nature Singapore