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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Exaptive Design: A Revolutionary Approach to Resilient Architecture in Times of Crises

verfasst von : Alessandro Melis, Jose Antonio Lara-Hernandez, Barbora Melis

Erschienen in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter investigates  into exaptation in architecture, highlighting its crucial role in bolstering resilience. The objective is to explore the multifaceted concept of exaptation and its implications for architecture, viewing it through the lens of biological evolution’s intricate mechanisms. Exaptation, involves a principle that enables a functional shift in architectural elements, encouraging creative repurposing. Drawing parallels between exaptation in architecture and evolutionary biology challenges traditional notions of adaptation and functionalism. Additionally, the chapter introduces a methodological categorization of architecture, reevaluating standard definitions such as function, use, and creativity. To illustrate the transformative potential of human creativity, case studies from various civilizations and historical periods are presented. These examples highlight how creative thinking and exaptation can produce innovative solutions during crises and disruptions. The chapter particularly emphasises the concept of human intelligence as exaptive, reliant on the evolutionary reuse of structures for diverse functions. It underscores exaptation’s critical role and ecological perspectives in architectural design. The integration of case studies from diverse cultures and eras reaffirms the potential of human creativity in confronting challenges and reshaping architectural spaces. Lastly, it argues for the necessity of change, highlighting that maintaining the status quo is untenable amid pressing crises.

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Exaptive Design: A Revolutionary Approach to Resilient Architecture in Times of Crises
verfasst von
Alessandro Melis
Jose Antonio Lara-Hernandez
Barbora Melis