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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Excitation of Electromagnetic Fields in Electrodynamic Volumes with Coordinate Boundaries

verfasst von : Mikhail V. Nesterenko, Victor A. Katrich, Sergey L. Berdnik, Oleksandr M. Dumin, Anatoliy I. Luchaninov, Dmitriy V. Gretskih

Erschienen in: Vibrator and Slot Antenna Arrays for Modern Applications

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This Chapter briefly presents basic equations, boundary conditions and tensor Green’s functions for studying electromagnetic fields, which will be used throughout the book. This chapter with comments on some aspects of electrodynamics theory, will allow a reader to read the book without searching for additional references.

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Excitation of Electromagnetic Fields in Electrodynamic Volumes with Coordinate Boundaries
verfasst von
Mikhail V. Nesterenko
Victor A. Katrich
Sergey L. Berdnik
Oleksandr M. Dumin
Anatoliy I. Luchaninov
Dmitriy V. Gretskih