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1998 | Buch

Exercises in Basic Ring Theory

verfasst von: Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg

Verlag: Springer Netherlands

Buchreihe : Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences


Über dieses Buch

Each undergraduate course of algebra begins with basic notions and results concerning groups, rings, modules and linear algebra. That is, it begins with simple notions and simple results. Our intention was to provide a collection of exercises which cover only the easy part of ring theory, what we have named the "Basics of Ring Theory". This seems to be the part each student or beginner in ring theory (or even algebra) should know - but surely trying to solve as many of these exercises as possible independently. As difficult (or impossible) as this may seem, we have made every effort to avoid modules, lattices and field extensions in this collection and to remain in the ring area as much as possible. A brief look at the bibliography obviously shows that we don't claim much originality (one could name this the folklore of ring theory) for the statements of the exercises we have chosen (but this was a difficult task: indeed, the 28 titles contain approximatively 15.000 problems and our collection contains only 346). The real value of our book is the part which contains all the solutions of these exercises. We have tried to draw up these solutions as detailed as possible, so that each beginner can progress without skilled help. The book is divided in two parts each consisting of seventeen chapters, the first part containing the exercises and the second part the solutions.




Chapter 1. Fundamentals

An element r of a ring R is called a left (right) zero divisor if there is a nonzero s ∈ R : rs = 0(sr = 0);zero divisor if it is left and right divisor;left (right) cancellable if for every a, b ∈ R : ra = rb(ar = br) ⇒ a = b;idempotent if r2 = r; two idempotents e, e’ are orthogonal if ee’ = e’e = 0; in a ring R we denote by Id(R) the set of all the idempotent elements. A ring is called Boole if all its elements are idempotent.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 2. Ideals

A subgroup I of (R, +) is called left (right) ideal if R·I = {ri|r ∈ R, i ∈ I} ⊆ I (resp. I·R ⊆ I) and ideal if it is left and right ideal. We denote by (X) = ∩ {I (left or right) ideal in R|X ⊆ I}, if X ⊆ R, called the (left or right) ideal generated by X. In an arbitrary ring $$ \left( X \right) = \left\{ {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{r_i}{x_i} + \sum\limits_{k = 1}^m {{{x'}_k}{{r'}_k}} } + \sum\limits_{s = 1}^l {{{r''}_s}{{x''}_s}} {{r'''}_s} + \sum\limits_{j = 1}^t {{n_j}{y_j}}}\right\}$$with $$ {r_i},{r'_{k,}}{r''_s},{r'''_s} \in R,{x_i},{x'_k},{x''_s},{y_j} \in X,{n_j} \in $$ and the reader can provide the simplier forms if the ring has identity or is commutative (or both).

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 3. Zero Divisors

Zero divisors are defined in the introduction of the first chapter.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 4. Ring Homomorphisms

Let f : R → R’ a ring homomorphism. If the rings have identity f is called unital if f(1) = 1’.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 5. Characteristics

Denote by ord(a) = ord(R,+)(a) the (group) order of an element a in a ring R. If there is a m ∈ ℕ* such that ma = 0, ∀a ∈ R then we denote by char(R) the smallest positive integer (if it exists) having this property (i.e. all elements are of finite order and ord(a) divides char(R)). In the remaining case (i.e. there are elements of infinite order or {ord(a)|a ∈ R} is not bounded) we say that char(R) = 0.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 6. Divisibility in Integral Domains

If a, b ∈ R a commutative ring, we say that b divides a (denoted b|a) if there is an element c ∈ R: a = bc. One checks b|a ⇔ aR = (a) ⊆ (b) = bR. Two elements are associated (in divisibility) denoted by a ~ b if b|a and a|b. This is an equivalence relation and a ~ b ⇔ aR = bR An element p is calledirreducible if it is not a unit and has no other divisors then units and associated elements;reducible if it is not irreducible;prime if it is not a unit and p|a.b ⇒ p|a or p|b;greatest common divisor for r1, r2,…, r n if p|r i (1 ≤ i ≤ n) and if d|ri(1 ≤ i ≤ n) then d|p;least common multiple is defined similarly;Each prime element is irreducible.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 7. Division Rings

A ring K with identity is called a division ring if (K*, ·) is a group. A commutative division ring is called a field.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 8. Automorphisms

A ring homomorphism f : R → R’ is called automorphism if it is bijective (an isomorphism) and R = R’ (an endomorphism).

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 9. The Tensor Product

Let M R be a right R-module, R N a left R-module and G an abelian group. A ℤ-bilinear map φ : M × N → G is called R-balanced if φ(mr,n) = φ(m,rn) holds for each m ∈ M, n ∈ N, r ∈ R.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 10. Artinian and Noetherian Rings

A ring R is called left (right) artinian if the set of all the left (right) ideals of R satisfies the dcc (descending chain condition) i.e. each strictly descending chain of left (right) ideals is finite (or equivalently, each non-void family of left (right) ideals contains a minimal element). Similarly, a ring is called left (right) noetherian if the set of all the left (right) ideals satisfies the acc (ascending chain condition).

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 11. Socle and Radical

The left (right) socle of a ring R is the sum of all the minimal (simple) left (right) ideals of R. For commutative rings we shall denote this by s(R).

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 12. Semisimple Rings

A ring R is called left (right) semisimple if it is a direct sum of minimal left (right) ideals. A ring is left (right) semisimple iffit coincides with its corresponding socle.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 13. Prime Ideals, Local Rings

A proper ideal P of a ring R is called prime if for each two ideals I, J in R the inclusion I ° J ⊆ P implies I ⊆ P or J ⊆ P; semiprime if it is an intersection of prime ideals.In a ring with identity every maximal ideal is prime.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 14. Polynomial Rings

For an arbitrary ring with identity R, we denote by R[X] the ring of polynomials of indeterminate X over R.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 15. Rings of Quotients

In this chapter we deal only with commutative rings with identity.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 16. Rings of Continuous Functions

Let X be a nonvoid set. A topology on X is a family τ⊂ P(X) of subsets which is closed under finite intersections and arbitrary unions. The pair (X,τ) is called a topological space, the elements ofτare called the open sets of the space. If τ1 and τ2 are topologies on X and τ1 ⊂ τ2 we say that τ2is finer than τ1 or that τ1 is coarser than τ2. It exists in X a finest topology τ° = P(X) (called the discrete topology) and a coarsest one τ0 = {θ, X} (called the indiscrete topology). The elements of F={X \ G|G ∈ τ} are called the closed sets.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 17. Special Problems

An idempotent element e ≠ 0 is called primitive if it cannot be written as the sum of two orthogonal idempotent elements.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg


Chapter 1. Fundamentals

One has only to compute in two different ways (using the distributivity laws) the element: (1 + 1)(a + b) = 1(a + b) + 1(a + b) = a + b + a + b and (1 + 1)(a + b) = (1 + 1)a + (1 + 1) b = a + a + b + b. Now a + b = b + a follows by additive cancellation.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 2. Ideals

Only P and A are subrings. A is also an ideal but P is not: if f ∈ P and g ∈ F,$$ g(x) = \left\{ {_{0\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;if\;x\; \ne \;0}^{x\sin \frac{1}{x}\quad if\;x\; \ne \;0}} \right. $$ then f · g has an infinite number of zero’s and hence f · g ∈ P.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 3. Zero Divisors

If e ∈ R is an idempotent element such that e ∉ {0,1} then obviously e.(1 - e) = 0.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 4. Ring Homomorphisms

If a’ is arbitrary in f(R) there is an element a ∈ R such that a’ = f(a). Then a’.f(1) = f(a).f(1) = f(a.1) = f(a) = a’ and similarly f(1).a’ = a’ so that f(1) is the identity in f(R). An easy (but not trivial!) counterexample is f : ℤ12 → ℤ12, $$ f(\bar x) = \overline {4x} ,\forall \bar x \in {_{12}} $$. Here 4̄ is the identity in $$f({_{12}}) = \{ \bar 0,\bar 4,\bar 8\} $$ and surely 1̄≠4̄

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 5. Characteristics

If a ∈ R, a Boole ring, a + a = (a + a)2 = a + a + a + a so that a + a. = 0. Hence the required characteristic is 2.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 6. Divisibility in Integral Domains

If a ≠ 0 is an element of D them by hypothesis a and a2 must be associated elements of D. Then a2 = au for a suitable unit u ∈ D. Hence a(a - u) =0 and a - u = 0, D having no zero divisors. So, each nonzero element in D is a unit.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 7. Division Rings

Let K = {0, 1,a, b} be a field with four elements. Its characteristic being 2 (a prime number dividing 4) we obtain 1 + 1 = a + a = b + b = 0. The group (K, +) being of Klein type we also have a + b = 1. The inveerse of a must be b. Indeed, a-1 = 1 would imply a = 1, a-1 = a would imply a2 = 1 and (a - 1)2 = 0 (char(K) = 2) and hence a = 1. So a-1 = b or ab = 1 and even a(1 + a) = 1 or a2 =1 + a. An isomorphism to K4 (from 1.9) is now obviously defined

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 8. Automorphims

If f : ℚ → ℚ is an automorphism one easily checks that f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1. Then for each n ∈ IN* we deduce f(n) = f(1 + .. + 1) = f(1) + .. + f(1) = nf(1) = n. Moreover, f(-­n) = -f(n) = -n so that f(m) = m. ∀m ∈ ℤ. Further, for each n ∈ ℤ*, $$ 1 = f(1) = f(n \cdot \frac{1}{n}) = f(n) \cdot f(\frac{1}{n}) = nf(\frac{1}{n}) $$ and hence $$f(\frac{1}{n}) = \frac{1}{n}$$. Finally, for each$$\frac{m}{n} \in $$ we haver $$f(\frac{m}{n}) = f(m \cdot \frac{1}{n}) = f(m) \cdot f(\frac{1}{n}) = m \cdot \frac{1}{n} = \frac{m}{n}$$.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 9. The Tensor Product

Indeed, the map f : $$ \mathbb{Z}{{ \otimes }_{\mathbb{Z}}}{{\mathbb{Z}}_{n}} \to \mathbb{Z} \cdot {{\mathbb{Z}}_{n}},f(\sum\limits_{{i = 1}}^{n} {{{x}_{i}} \otimes {{{\bar{y}}}_{i}}} ) = \sum\limits_{{i = 1}}^{n} {{{x}_{i}}{{{\bar{y}}}_{i}}} $$ is readily seen to be a ℤ-isomorphism

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 10. Artinian and Noetherian Rings

ℤ[i] is noetherian together with ℤ. It is not artinian: $$ 3\mathbb{Z}\left[ i \right] \supset {{3}^{2}}\mathbb{Z}\left[ i \right] \supset .. \supset {{3}^{n}}\mathbb{Z}\left[ i \right] \supset .. $$ is an infinite decreasing sequence of ideals in ℤ[i]

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 11. Socle and Radical

If R is a division ring (this is also true for semisimple rings, see next chapter) surely s(R) = R ≠ 0

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 12. Semisimple Rings

If K is any field, an infinite product KI is a nonsemisimple ring. But it is the product of the (nonisomorphic) simple right ideals $${\left\{ {{P_i}} \right\}_{i \in I}}$$ where P i and q i : K → KI are the canonical injections. Indeed, it suffices to remark that isomorphic rings (or even modules) have the same annihilator ideal.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 13. Prime Ideals, Local Rings

We have already used N(xy) = N(x).N(y) in the previous chapter, for the “norm” N(a + bi) = a2 + b2 in ℤ[i]. The units in ℤ[i] being {±1, ±I} i.e. the elements x ∈ ℤ[i] with N(x) = 1 we infer that x is prime in ℤ[i] iff N(x) is prime in ℤ (indeed, the no-associated decompositions correspond to each other). Hence N(1 + i) = 2 implies that the ideal (1 + i) is prime.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 14. Polynomial Rings

The polynomial f = X2 - 1̄ has 4 zeros in ℤ15: 1̄, 4̄, 11̄, 14̄.

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 15. Rings of Quotients

ℤ being an integral domain, for each multiplicative system S ⊂ ℤ, the ring of quotients identified with a subring with identity of Q, the rational numbers of the form $$ \frac{m}{s} $$ with m ∈ ℤ and s ∈ S. Now, if A is a subring of Q and 1 ∈ A let $$ {{S}_{A}} = \left\{ {n \in \mathbb{Z}\left| {\frac{1}{n} \in A} \right.} \right\} $$. Obviously, SA is a multiplicative system and $$ {{\mathbb{Z}}_{{{{S}_{A}}}}} \subseteq \mathbb{Q} $$. Conversely, if $$ \frac{m}{n} \in A $$ with (m;n) = 1 let u, v ∈ such that um + vn = 1. Then $$ u\frac{m}{n} + v = \frac{1}{n} \in A $$ and hence A ∈ ℤ SA .

Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 16. Rings of Continuous Functions
Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Chapter 17. Special problems
Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu, Peter Hamburg
Exercises in Basic Ring Theory
verfasst von
Grigore Cǎlugǎreanu
Peter Hamburg
Springer Netherlands
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