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Experiment on Evacuation Behavior in Full-Scale Tunnel with Different Guiding Pattern

verfasst von: Wenjuan An, Mintao Hu, Jianping Gao, Yaohua Xie, Shanchuan Yu

Erschienen in: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Ausgabe 3/2022


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In this paper, the crowd evacuation experiments with 180 participants were conducted to study the effectiveness of sound-guiding and light-guiding in a 1:1 full-scale experimental tunnel. The participants were divided into 9 groups, with 20 participants in each group, each of which included different experimental scenarios of sound-guiding and light-guiding. The experimental results of evacuation speed showed that sound-guiding and light-guiding were both beneficial to improve evacuation efficiency. It is shown that the scenarios with the combination of unilateral lamp strip and outline lamps with non-flashing state had a better effect on improving the evacuation speed. As for exit selection, the results showed that the outline lamps is conducive to improving the identification of the exit, and when the outlet lamps is turned on at the same time as the lamp strips, the identification of the exit is higher. According to the comprehensive experimental results, the induction effect of exit outline lamps and unilateral lamp strip is the best, which has the most obvious effect on increasing the identification of exit and increasing evacuation speed. Furthermore, when the guiding pattern has a guiding effect on individuals, this effect will be transmitted in the crowd due to the following behavior of others, and then affect the evacuation behavior of the crowd.

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Experiment on Evacuation Behavior in Full-Scale Tunnel with Different Guiding Pattern
verfasst von
Wenjuan An
Mintao Hu
Jianping Gao
Yaohua Xie
Shanchuan Yu
Springer US
Erschienen in
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research / Ausgabe 3/2022
Print ISSN: 1348-8503
Elektronische ISSN: 1868-8659


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