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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Glass Powder and Silica Fume Stabilized Clay Soil

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The main goal of improving natural soils is to make them more resilient to disasters brought on by excessive and abnormal loading, changing climatic conditions, and natural calamities like earthquakes and landslides. It is necessary to enhance the engineering features of clay soils in particular because they are prone to subsidence. Cement, lime, calcium-based stabilizers, fibers, and recycled plastic waste are all widely used binders for enhancing the engineering qualities of clay soils. In this study, glass powder (GP) and silica fume (SF) are combined with clayey soil to test the soil's strength characteristics. Clays are combined with 10, 15, and 20 wt.% glass powder and 10 wt.% silica fume for this purpose, and then cured for up to 7 and 28 days. According to research, a 15% GP and 10% SF mixture yields the best test outcomes. In comparison to the control samples, the compressive strength, flexural strength and direct shear strength of the best design mixture increased by 391%, 385% and 386% respectively.

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Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Glass Powder and Silica Fume Stabilized Clay Soil
verfasst von
Ayse Pekrioglu Balkis
Bugse Ilman