2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Experiments Comparing Precision of Stereo-Vision Approaches for Control of an Industrial Manipulator
verfasst von : John-David Yoder, Jeffrey West, Eric Baumgartner, Mathias Perrollaz, Michael Seelinger, Matthew Robinson
Erschienen in: Experimental Robotics
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Despite years of research in the area of robotics, the vast majority of industrial robots are still used in “teach-repeat” mode. This requires that the workpiece be in exactly the same position and orientation every time. In many high-volume robotics applications, this is not a problem, since the parts are likely to be fixtured anyway. However, in small to medium lot applications, this can be a significant limitation. The motivation for this project was a corporation who wanted to explore the use of visual control of a manipulator to allow for automated teaching of robot tasks for parts that are run in small lot sizes.