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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Exploring a New Urban Design Model to Help the Community Build Resilience to Flooding: A Case Study Between Unitec Students and the Māngere Community, Auckland

verfasst von : Matthew Bradbury, Xinxin Wang, Lúcia Camargos Melchiors

Erschienen in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The recent terrible flooding has caused severe damage to people’s lives and housing in Tamaki Makaurau and across Aotearoa, New Zealand, particularly those in flood-prone areas. These events make it clear that the provision of denser housing will make the problem of climate change worse. The two issues, urban flooding and increasing housing supply necessitate a new urban design model. This model recognises the intersection of the existing urban topography and the environmental conditions of climate change. Utilising the techniques of catchment planning and GIS mapping, the model advances a way to increase the housing supply while at the same time ensuring the safety of the inhabitants. The model was explored in a student design studio. This design exercise was a joint project with students from the Unitec School of Architecture community groups from Māngere for a site adjacent to the Te Ara-Rata Stream. One of the key aims of the studio was to reduce the risk of flooding through different design techniques. These included where future housing was located and the benefits of nature-based strategies such as recreating wetlands and increasing riparian margins The community and professionals have recognised the outcome of this studio as an effective way to design resilient urban models for climate change, particularly flooding.

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Ahi Kā
Iwi/hapū have a living and enduring presence and are secure and valued within their rohe.
Mahi Toi
Iwi/hapū narratives are captured and expressed creatively and appropriately.
The mana of iwi and hapū as Mana Whenua is recognised and respected.
Mana whenua
Territorial rights, power from the land, authority over land or territory, jurisdiction over land or territory—power associated with possession and occupation of tribal land. The tribe’s history and legends are based in the lands they have occupied over generations and the land provides the sustenance for the people and to provide hospitality for guests.
Mauri Tu
Environmental health is protected, maintained and/or enhanced.
The natural environment is protected, restored and/or enhanced.
Te Aranga
To arise, ensue, come about, emerge.
Te Tiriti
The Treaty of Waitangi.
Mana Whenua significant sites and cultural landmarks are acknowledged.
Māori names are celebrated, both traditional and new.
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Zurück zum Zitat Cerra JF (2016) Inland adaptation : developing a studio model for climate—adaptive design as a framework for design practice. Landsc J Cerra JF (2016) Inland adaptation : developing a studio model for climate—adaptive design as a framework for design practice. Landsc J
Zurück zum Zitat Kake J, Paul J (2018) Evaluating the application of Māori Design Principles to urban neighbourhood development projects to develop a Kaupapa Māori design framework and assessment tools. Urbanism New Zealand 1–11 Kake J, Paul J (2018) Evaluating the application of Māori Design Principles to urban neighbourhood development projects to develop a Kaupapa Māori design framework and assessment tools. Urbanism New Zealand 1–11
Zurück zum Zitat McHarg IL (1969) Design with nature. American Museum of Natural History, Garden City NY McHarg IL (1969) Design with nature. American Museum of Natural History, Garden City NY
Exploring a New Urban Design Model to Help the Community Build Resilience to Flooding: A Case Study Between Unitec Students and the Māngere Community, Auckland
verfasst von
Matthew Bradbury
Xinxin Wang
Lúcia Camargos Melchiors