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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Exploring Students’ Acceptance of Augmented Reality Technologies in Education: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model Approach

verfasst von : Farzin Matin, Eleni Mangina

Erschienen in: Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This study examines the potential of Augmented Reality (AR) to enhance and complement educational experiences within an extended theoretical framework of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Given AR’s capacity for providing immersive, interactive learning beyond traditional classroom settings, we aim to understand the cognitive and emotional factors influencing students’ attitudes towards integrating these tools into their learning environments. Our investigation analyzes student responses to AR technologies, focusing on their perceptions of usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment, and anxiety. Employing a quantitative methodology, we gathered diverse student perspectives on AR. This was to gain deeper insights into its educational significance and impact on student engagement and learning outcomes. In our study, we found that students value AR’s ability to enhance learning experiences when implemented appropriately. High levels of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment, coupled with low anxiety, indicate that students are more inclined to adopt AR technologies that are beneficial, user-friendly, engaging, and minimally stressful. It is critical to foster wider acceptance and effective integration of AR into educational frameworks to support this positive reception. AR effectiveness in education depends on both functional and emotional aspects. By ensuring AR applications are purposely designed to be useful, accessible, and enjoyable, educators can provide a more welcoming environment for the adoption of these innovative tools as complementary aids to traditional pedagogical practices. Furthermore, educators should strive to create learning experiences that foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. This can be done by integrating AR into existing lesson plans or creating entirely customized activities. The study emphasizes AR’s potential benefits in improving educational outcomes when integrated holistically. To ensure equitable and engaging AR experiences for all students, further research is needed.

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Exploring Students’ Acceptance of Augmented Reality Technologies in Education: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model Approach
verfasst von
Farzin Matin
Eleni Mangina