2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Feature Extraction and HMM-Based Classification of Gait Video Sequences for the Purpose of Human Identification
verfasst von : Henryk Josiński, Daniel Kostrzewa, Agnieszka Michalczuk, Adam Świtoński, Konrad Wojciechowski
Erschienen in: Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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The authors present results of the research on human recognition based on the video gait sequences from the CASIA Gait Database. Both linear (principal component analysis; PCA) and non-linear (isometric features mapping; Isomap and locally linear embedding; LLE) methods were applied in order to reduce data dimensionality, whereas a concept of hidden Markov model (HMM) was used for the purpose of data classification. The results of the conducted experiments formed the main subject of analysis of classification accuracy expressed by means of the Correct Classification Rate (CCR).