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2020 | Buch

Fibers for Technical Textiles

herausgegeben von: Dr. Sheraz Ahmad, Dr. Abher Rasheed, Dr. Yasir Nawab

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

Buchreihe : Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering


Über dieses Buch

This book discusses the properties of fibres used in manufacturing technical textiles, highlighting the importance of material selection in terms of cost, end-user requirements and properties. It also discusses the classification of technical textiles, and describes the details of each category, such as the properties, applications, advantages and drawbacks. As such, it is a valuable resource for all those interested in advanced textiles.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Technical Textile is a dynamic and fastest growing sector, which is primarily known for performance and functional properties. In this chapter, the definition of technical textile, Scope, market share, and categories of technical textiles have been explored. The current volume market worldwide for technical textile is 193.9 billion in US dollars, and it’s projected to reach $220.37 billion by 2022 at CAGR 5.89%. In terms of volume, this market is projected to reach 42.20 million metric tons by the end of 2020. The Broad areas of technical textile and their application areas, including Protech, Sportstech, Aggrotech, Clothtech, Geotech, Hometech, Indutech, MedTech, Mobiltech, Oekotech, and Packtech, are also discussed. Moreover, in this chapter, conventional fibers and high-performance fibers used in technical textiles are systematically introduced. The main principle involved in the selection of raw materials and the importance of material selection are also explored. Along with it, the Global manufacturers of technical textile products and technical textile fibers and major countries producing these fibers have also been examined. At the end, major tests for technical textile fibers, yarns, and fabric and test standards according to ASTM, AATCC, and ISO have been evaluated.
Yasir Nawab, Sheraz Ahmad
Chapter 2. Fibers for Technical Textiles
Technical textile products are designed for their functional property rather than their aesthetic properties. The selection of the right material is very important while manufacturing technical textile products. The selection of material depends upon the required function, nature, and severity. Different types of fibers are used in technical textiles; they are broadly categorized into two types, natural and man-made fibers. In natural fibers’ category, the most used are flax fiber, jute fiber, hemp fiber, and ramie fiber due to better mechanical properties; in comfort application, cotton fiber may be used; and in hometech, silk fiber is used due to its excellent drapability property. In man-made category, the fibers used are polyester, nylon, carbon, polypropylene, glass fiber, viscose fiber, acrylic fiber, protein fiber and metal fiber. Some other advance fibers which are used in technical textile products like auxetic fibers and nano fibers are discussed in this chapter.
Sheraz Ahmad, Tehseen Ullah, Ziauddin
Chapter 3. Classification of Technical Textiles
The textile products are broadly divided into two groups, i.e., conventional textiles and technical textiles. Conventional textile products are designed, developed, or used for the common, decorative, or aesthetic applications, whereas technical textile products are those which are used in the functional applications. Technical textile products are usually classified into twelve groups, i.e., Mobiltech, Indutech, Medtech, Hometech, Clothtech, Agrotech, Buildtech, Sportech, Packtech, Geotech, Protech, and Oekotech. This classification of the technical textile products is based on the area of application. For example, products related to the medical and health care are a part of Medtech which stands for medical textiles. This classification has two drawbacks. First, several segments of the technical textile do not have clear boundaries and overlap with the other segments. For example, Oekotech overlaps with Indutech (filtration), Geotech (erosion protection), and Agrotech (water efficiency). Secondly, this classification does not help much to an entry level manufacturer of technical textiles. The reason is that each segment has a large variety of products made of diversified fibers/raw materials using divergent manufacturing techniques and equipment. In addition to that, the products have to fulfill varied testing requirements as well. Therefore, it is almost impossible to figure out a certain type of manufacturing facility to fulfill the needs of one segment. Keeping in view the very fact, technology-based classification of the technical textile products has also been proposed in this chapter.
Abher Rasheed
Chapter 4. Fibers for Protective Textiles
“Protective Textiles” is collectively used for the textiles and clothing employed necessarily in a specific work environment, either in labs, hospital, battlefield, rescue, or industrial applications. These textiles and clothing normally focus on the functional aspects rather than the aesthetics. The recent trends in these protective clothing include strong, lightweight and safer product for a particular end use. This chapter is focussed on the fibers used for protection against certain hazards/phenomenon like impact, chemicals, fire, heat, ballistics, etc. The majority of these application areas use high-performance fibers, to meet the challenges. But, the textiles for protection are highly specific, depending on the application area. The product for a particular end application needs to exhibit properties that may not be required for other applications. The products based on these fibers are also discussed briefly in this chapter.
Khubab Shaker, Yasir Nawab
Chapter 5. Fibers for Sports Textiles
Sports textiles mainly consist of both sportswear and sports equipment, because different natural and synthetic textile-fiber-based products are used in both categories. Sportswear has a vast range of wearing items which can be classified as sports-inspired wear, outdoor wear, performance wear, and leisure wear. Different functional fibers are used in sportswear to get desired results having different properties like comfort, thermal conductivity, cold and heat indices, and stretch and recovery. Similarly, there is a vast range of sports that include hiking, snow sports, cycling, mountaineering, hockey, baseball, squash, and sailing, using a range of sportswear for both fashion and functionality. The outfits and equipments used in these sports are also composed of different functional and high-performance fibers like polyester, acrylic, nylon, spandex, polyolefin, aramid, and carbon. For various attires’ manufacturing, synthetic fibers and their blends with different natural fibers, i.e., cotton, hemp, bamboo, silk and wool, are also used. The advanced countries are using their strengths in the field of materials and engineering technologies to develop new functional fibers. Now a days, composite fibers and fiber reinforced composite material based light weight products are used in sports goods with improved strength and functionalities.
Muhammad Umair, Raja Muhammad Waseem Ullah Khan
Chapter 6. Textile Fibers for Automobiles
The role of the textile fibers in various components of automobiles has evolved in order to meet the demand of high fuel economy without compromising the durability. The conventional natural and synthetic fibers, along with high-performance fibers, are used to develop woven, knitted, nonwoven, and composite structures for different components of the automobiles. This chapter describes the applications of textile fibers in different automobiles. Moreover, some advantages and limitations of these fibers are also highlighted. The composites made from natural fibers are frequently used for interior of the vehicles such as car seats, door panels, and door liners. The natural fibers are eco-friendly and have better comfort properties, but their low mechanical strength and low resistance to UV light are the major drawbacks. The synthetic fibers are also used in automobiles which have good mechanical properties, high abrasion resistance, and sound insulation.
Faheem Ahmad
Chapter 7. Fibers for Geotextiles
Nowadays, the application of technical textiles is increasing significantly in different segments of life. Geotextile is the category of technical textiles that has emerged as a promising field both in developing and underdeveloped countries in the recent past. This is because of the fact that Geotextile has vast and diversified applications in mega civil projects. In this scenario, diversified utilization of different fibers has also been observed for the manufacturing of geotextile such that it can withstand the intended end-use. Earlier, the synthetic fibers were used in most of the geotextiles with little application of natural fibers. However, the extensive increase in the use of natural fibers is observed in recent times, particularly in developing countries. This chapter has classified the fibers into three categories: natural fibers, synthetic fibers, and high-performance fibers. In each category, the fibers for the geotextiles have been described comprehensively with respect to their applications, advantages, and disadvantages.
Muhammad Babar Ramzan, Muhammad Salman Naeem, Ateeq ur Rehman, Ali Raza
Chapter 8. Fibers for Agro Textiles
Agro textile is a vital and developing area among all the areas of technical textiles. It covers products from fishing to horticulture and husbandry application. The significance of the agro textiles is considered as an important area all over the world. There are various applications of agro textile products that have shown great results and have a positive effect on production and growth of numerous vegetables and crops. The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview and significance of agro textile products that can be used in various applications to enhance the yield of crops. Agro textile products provide the adequate humidity to soil, maintain the temperature, and protect the products of crops from the hail. Agro textile products like bird net, harvesting net, sunscreen, windshield, hail protection net, mulch mat, etc. are getting much attention these days. Natural fiber based agro textiles can be used in those specific areas where wet strength, moisture retention, and biodegradability are required. Polyolefin fibers are preferred among all the man-made fibers for agro textile products due to high strength, light weight, and long service life. Another intention of this chapter is to make the readers comprehend about this area and to encourage them to use agricultural products for enhancement of yield.
Farooq Azam, Sheraz Ahmad
Chapter 9. Fibres for Medical Textiles
This chapter is focused on the application of textile fibres in medical field. The fibre properties which are required to classify them as medical fibre are explained in detail. A number of different textile fibres including natural, synthetic as well as application-based textile materials are explained with the requisite properties. The fibre properties, advantages and disadvantage of the fibres and biocompatibility for medical purposes for various textile materials are explained in detail. The chapter is beneficial for basic as well as detailed review of materials for medical applications.
Ali Afzal, Usman Zubair, Muddasara Saeed, Munazza Afzal, Arusha Azeem
Chapter 10. Fibers for Other Technical Textiles Applications
During the past few years, the use of technical textiles has grown rapidly. Natural, synthetic, and high-performance fibers are being used in many technical textile applications. Some of which are explained in detail, while others are in brief in this book. This chapter reviews the application and use of natural, synthetic, and high-performance fibers for Indutech, Hometech, Clothtech, Buildtech, Packtech, and Oekotech. As the strength of natural fibers is not so good, the use of synthetic and high-performance fibers is increasing in industrial and technical products. One of the major applications of technical textiles is in the filtration media. The performance of a specific filter is based on the selection of fiber, textile material, and the way they have been assembled. The properties of fluid for which the filter has to be designed must be considered carefully as well. Human beings have been using regular clothing to protect themselves from a very hot and cold environment. The workers in some occupations (like military, police, firefighting, and healthcare) are exposed to different hazards, so they are required to wear protecting textile clothing, which is discussed further in the chapter. For centuries, textiles are being used for construction materials whether it is for insulation or reinforcement of any other application. However, the use of advanced construction material specifically textile fibers has increased extensively these days. It is important to have appropriate knowledge about textile fibers in the light of current climate change and other global challenges, as textiles in any form (fiber, yarn, or fabric) provide excellent thermal and mechanical properties with low weight. Today the people around the world have become more educated with higher living standards. Therefore, the use of high technology products, which offer enhanced performance, durability, hygienic conditions, and aesthetic, has become the need of the day. The demand for eco-friendly and bio-degradable packaging is growing now as they have a great impact on human health and the environment. The use of natural fibers for environmental protection is not new. While the use of synthetic and high-performance fibers for environmental protection is a revolutionary change in the current century. One of its uses is in protecting the crops and soil artificially by weather changes to increase productivity. The new and advanced developments for environmental protection keep on increasing across the world in the coming years. In this chapter, an overview of such types of textiles; fibers being used; and their applications, advantages, and drawbacks have been provided briefly.
Zuhaib Ahmad, Muhammad Salman Naeem, Abdul Jabbar, Muhammad Irfan
Fibers for Technical Textiles
herausgegeben von
Dr. Sheraz Ahmad
Dr. Abher Rasheed
Dr. Yasir Nawab
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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