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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Flick Typing: A New VR Text Input System Based on Space Gestures

verfasst von : Tian Yang, Powen Yao, Michael Zyda

Erschienen in: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Design and Development

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Text Entry is a significant topic in human-computer interaction in Virtual Reality. Most common text entry methods require users to interact with a 2D QWERTY keyboard in 3D space using a ray emitting from their hands or controllers. This requires the user’s head and hands to be in a specific position and orientation to do text entry. We propose a new text entry input method that we call Flick Typing that is agnostic to user posture or keyboard position. Flick Typing utilizes the user’s knowledge of a QWERTY keyboard layout, but does not explicitly provide visualization of the keys. To type with Flick Typing, users will move their controller to where they think the target QWERTY key is with respect to the controller’s starting position and orientation, often with a simple flick of their wrists. We provide a manually defined gesture-key mapping model of the QWERTY keys in 3D space. Experiments containing both quantitative and qualitative measurements are conducted and discussed this paper, which shows the potential of our method.

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Flick Typing: A New VR Text Input System Based on Space Gestures
verfasst von
Tian Yang
Powen Yao
Michael Zyda