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Foundations of Computational Mathematics

Ausgabe 4/2018

Inhalt (7 Artikel)

Numerical Computation of Galois Groups

Jonathan D. Hauenstein, Jose Israel Rodriguez, Frank Sottile

  • Open Access

Shape-Aware Matching of Implicit Surfaces Based on Thin Shell Energies

José A. Iglesias, Martin Rumpf, Otmar Scherzer

Computing the Homology of Real Projective Sets

Felipe Cucker, Teresa Krick, Michael Shub

An Explicit Isometric Reduction of the Unit Sphere into an Arbitrarily Small Ball

Evangelis Bartzos, Vincent Borrelli, Roland Denis, Francis Lazarus, Damien Rohmer, Boris Thibert

Distortion Varieties

Joe Kileel, Zuzana Kukelova, Tomas Pajdla, Bernd Sturmfels