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2017 | Buch

Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums

Higher-Dimensional Theory of Complex Dimensions


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This monograph gives a state-of-the-art and accessible treatment of a new general higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions, valid for arbitrary bounded subsets of Euclidean spaces, as well as for their natural generalization, relative fractal drums. It provides a significant extension of the existing theory of zeta functions for fractal strings to fractal sets and arbitrary bounded sets in Euclidean spaces of any dimension. Two new classes of fractal zeta functions are introduced, namely, the distance and tube zeta functions of bounded sets, and their key properties are investigated. The theory is developed step-by-step at a slow pace, and every step is well motivated by numerous examples, historical remarks and comments, relating the objects under investigation to other concepts. Special emphasis is placed on the study of complex dimensions of bounded sets and their connections with the notions of Minkowski content and Minkowski measurability, as well as on fractal tube formulas. It is shown for the first time that essential singularities of fractal zeta functions can naturally emerge for various classes of fractal sets and have a significant geometric effect. The theory developed in this book leads naturally to a new definition of fractality, expressed in terms of the existence of underlying geometric oscillations or, equivalently, in terms of the existence of nonreal complex dimensions.
The connections to previous extensive work of the first author and his collaborators on geometric zeta functions of fractal strings are clearly explained. Many concepts are discussed for the first time, making the book a rich source of new thoughts and ideas to be developed further. The book contains a large number of open problems and describes many possible directions for further research. The beginning chapters may be used as a part of a course on fractal geometry. The primary readership is aimed at graduate students and researchers working in Fractal Geometry and other related fields, such as Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Geometric Measure Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Analytic Number Theory and the Spectral Theory of Elliptic Differential Operators. The book should be accessible to nonexperts and newcomers to the field.


Chapter 1. Introduction
This research monograph provides a potentially useful and significant extension of the theory of zeta functions for fractal strings (which can be viewed as objects associated to bounded fractal sets on the real line), to fractal sets and arbitrary compact sets in Euclidean spaces of any dimension. The zeta function on which it is based has been introduced in 2009 by the first author (M. L. Lapidus); see its definition given below in Equation (1). We denote this zeta function by ζ A and refer to it as a “distance zeta function”. Here, by a fractal set, we mean any bounded set A of the N-dimensional Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\), with N ≥ 1. Fractality refers to the fact that the notion of fractal dimension, more precisely, of the upper box dimension of a bounded set (also called the upper Minkowski dimension), is a basic tool in the study of the properties of the associated zeta functions considered in this book. This new class of zeta functions enables us to extend in a useful manner the definition of the complex dimensions of fractal strings, introduced by Lapidus and van Frankenhuijsen, to arbitrary bounded fractal sets and more generally, to arbitrary bounded or compact sets in Euclidean spaces of any dimension. More specifically, given any bounded set \(A \subset \mathbb{R}^{N}\), its distance zeta function ζ A is defined by
$$\displaystyle{ \zeta _{A}(s) =\int _{A_{\delta }}d(x,A)^{s-N}\mathrm{d}x, }$$
for all \(s \in \mathbb{C}\) with \(\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}s\) sufficiently large. Here, \(A_{\delta } =\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^{N}\,:\, d(x,A) <\delta \}\) is the δ-neighborhood of A and d(x, A) denotes the Euclidean distance from \(x \in \mathbb{R}^{N}\) to A. The dependence of ζ A on the choice of δ is inessential. Note that without loss of generality, we could assume that A is an arbitrary compact set in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\). A similar comment could be made about the tube zeta function \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A}\), also studied in this book and defined by
$$\displaystyle{ \tilde{\zeta }_{A}(s) =\int _{ 0}^{\delta }t^{s-N-1}\vert A_{ t}\vert \mathrm{d}t, }$$
for all \(s \in \mathbb{C}\) with \(\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}s\) sufficiently large. It involves the tube function (0, δ) ∋ t ↦ | A t | of the set A, where | A t | is the N-dimensional Lebesgue measure of A t . The basic property of both of these fractal zeta functions (namely, the distance zeta function ζ A and the tube zeta function \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A}\)) is that they are absolutely convergent in the sense of Lebesgue for all \(s \in \mathbb{C}\) such that \(\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}s > \overline{\dim }_{B}A\) and define a holomorphic function on the open half-plane \(\{\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}s > \overline{\dim }_{B}A\}\), where \(\overline{\dim }_{B}A\) is the upper Minkowski dimension of the set A. More specifically, \(\overline{\dim }_{B}A\) coincides with the abscissa of convergence of both ζ A and \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A}\); i.e., \(\{\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}s > \overline{\dim }_{B}A\}\) is the largest open right half-plane on which each of the integrals defining ζ A and \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A}\) in (1) and (2), respectively, is absolutely convergent (and hence, convergent). Further, under mild hypotheses, it is also the largest open right half-plane on which ζ A and \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A}\) are holomorphic. We also introduce fractal zeta functions in the more general and more flexible context of relative fractal drums (or RFDs) (A, Ω), where \(A \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{N}\) is not necessarily bounded and Ω is an open subset of \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) of finite volume contained in a δ-neighborhood of A for some δ > 0. Then, the distance and tube zeta functions, ζ A, Ω and \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\), are defined much as in (1) and (2), respectively, but with A δ replaced by Ω. (See Chapter 4) In this general setting, the aim is to study the corresponding relative tube function t ↦ | A t Ω | of the RFD (A, Ω), and in particular, to express it as a sum over the underlying complex dimensions (i.e., the poles of ζ A, Ω , or, equivalently, of \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\)); the resulting formula is called a fractal tube formula. (See Chapter 5) New phenomena arise in this setting, including the fact that the relative Minkowski ( or box) dimension \(\overline{\dim }_{B}(A,\varOmega )\) may be negative, and even take the value −, a property related to the “flatness” of the corresponding RFD (A, Ω). The special case of a bounded subset A of \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) discussed earlier in the text surrounding Equations (1) and (2) then corresponds to the choice of Ω = A δ , i.e., to the RFD (A, A δ ). Fractal strings and their higher-dimensional analogs, fractal sprays, are also very special cases of RFDs. As was mentioned above, the complex dimensions of a bounded set (or, more generally, of an RFD), are defined as the poles of the associated zeta function. As such, they form a finite or countable (as well as discrete) subset of the complex plane. The main goal of this book is to develop a comprehensive theory of complex dimensions (and of the associated tube formulas, see Chapter 5), valid for general bounded sets (and RFDs) in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\), with N ≥ 1 arbitrary, as well as to illustrate it via a variety of concrete classic and new examples. A number of geometric and spectral applications are also provided throughout the monograph. This book should be accessible and of interest to experts and nonexperts alike, working in a broad range of areas of mathematics (including fractal geometry, dynamical systems, spectral geometry, complex, real and harmonic analysis, number theory, partial differential equations and mathematical physics) and its physical or engineering applications.
Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović, Darko Žubrinić
Chapter 2. Distance and Tube Zeta Functions

Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals in Euclidean spaces can be considered as a bridge between the geometry of fractal sets and the theory of holomorphic functions. This is first seen from their fundamental property: the upper box dimension of any bounded fractal is equal to the abscissa of convergence of its distance and tube zeta functions. Furthermore, under some natural conditions, the residue of the tube zeta function of a fractal, evaluated at its abscissa of convergence, is equal to its Minkowski content, a fractal analog of its volume. It is possible to obtain very general results dealing with the problem of meromorophic continuation of these two fractal zeta functions. We show, in particular, that the distance zeta function and the tube zeta function contain essentially the same information, both from the point of view of their meromorphic continuation (when it exists) to a given domain of the complex plane, of their poles (called visible complex dimensions) and their residues (or, more generally, their principal parts), which are related in a simple manner. Consequently, the higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions can be developed by using either of these two fractal zeta functions, and much preferably, both of them since one of these zeta functions is often more natural or simpler to use in a given situation or example. A variety of examples are studied from this point of view throughout the book (including in this chapter, the (N − 1)-dimensional sphere, generalized Cantor sets and the a-string, and in later chapters, the N-dimensional analogs of the Sierpiński carpet and the Sierpiński gasket, as well as fractal nests, self-similar fractal sprays, two-parameter generalized Cantor sets, discrete and continuous spirals, geometric chirps, etc.). In the one-dimensional case (that is, in the case of fractal strings), we show that the geometric zeta function of a fractal string and the corresponding distance zeta function are equivalent (in a suitable sense), and, in fact, define the same complex dimensions (except possibly at s = 0); in particular, they have the same abscissa of convergence, equal to the upper Minkowski dimension of the fractal string (or, equivalently, of the associated fractal subset of the real line). As we shall see in later chapters, distance and tube zeta functions can also be viewed as a bridge to the transcendental theory of numbers. For these reasons, these new fractal zeta functions deserve to be seriously studied. In fact, as is suggested by the title of this research monograph, they are the central object of investigation in this chapter and, along with their poles (or ‘complex dimensions’), throughout the entire book.

Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović, Darko Žubrinić
Chapter 3. Applications of Distance and Tube Zeta Functions
In this chapter, we show that some fundamental geometric and number-theoretic properties of fractals can be studied by using their distance and tube zeta functions. This will motivate us, in particular, to introduce several new classes of fractals. Especially interesting among them are the transcendentally quasiperiodic sets, since they can be placed at the crossroad between geometry and number theory. We shall need two deep results from transcendental number theory; namely, the theorem of Gel’fond–Schneider, and its extension due to Baker. In this context, the connecting link between the number theory and the geometry of fractals will be their tube zeta functions. A natural extension of the notion of distance zeta function leads us to introducing a general class of weighted zeta functions. Here, we introduce the space L )(Ω): = ∩ p > 1 L p (Ω), called the limit L -space, from which the weight functions are taken. Intuitively, a given weight function w from the space L )(Ω) may only have very mild singularities, say, of logarithmic type. However, the set of singularities may be large, in the sense that its Hausdorff dimension can be arbitrarily close (and even equal) to N. A typical example is the function w(x) = logd(x, A) which appears under the integral sign when we differentiate the distance zeta function. We illustrate the efficiency of the use of distance zeta functions by computing the upper box dimension of several new classes of geometric objects, including geometric chirps, fractal nests and string chirps. These sets are closely related to bounded spirals and chirps in the plane. We also recall the construction of a class of fractals, called zigzagging fractals, for which the upper and lower box dimensions do not coincide, and show that the associated fractal zeta functions are alternating, in a suitable sense.
Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović, Darko Žubrinić
Chapter 4. Relative Fractal Drums and Their Complex Dimensions

In this chapter, we introduce the notion of relative fractal drums (or RFDs, in short). They represent a simple and natural extension of two fundamental objects of fractal analysis, simultaneously: that of bounded sets in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) (i.e., of fractals) and that of bounded fractal strings (introduced by the first author and Carl Pomerance in the early 1990s). Furthermore, there is a natural way to define their associated Minkowski contents and relative distance as well as tube zeta functions. We stress a new phenomenon exhibited by relative fractal drums: namely, their box dimensions can be negative as well (and even equal to −). This can be viewed as a property of their ‘flatness’, since it is related to the loss of the cone property. In short, a relative fractal drum (RFD) consists of an ordered pair (A, Ω), where A is an arbitrary (possibly unbounded) subset of \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) and Ω is an open subset of \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) of finite volume and such that ΩA δ , for some δ > 0. The corresponding zeta function, either a distance or tube zeta function, is denoted by ζ A, Ω or \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\), respectively. We show that ζ A, Ω and \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\) are connected via a key functional equation, which implies that their poles (i.e., the complex dimensions of the RFD (A, Ω)) are the same. We also extend to this general setting the main results of Chapters 2 and 3 concerning the holomorphicity and meromorphicity of the fractal zeta functions. We introduce the notion of transcendentally quasiperiodic relative fractal drums, using their tube functions. One way of constructing such drums is based on a carefully chosen sequence of generalized Cantor sets, as well as on the use of a classic result by Alan Baker from transcendental number theory. This construction and result extend the corresponding ones obtained in Chapter 3, in which we studied transcendentally quasiperiodic fractal sets. Furthermore, some explicit constructions of RFDs lead us naturally to introduce a new class of fractals, which we call hyperfractals. Particulary noteworthy among them are the maximal hyperfractals, for which the critical line \(\{\mathop{\mathrm{Re}}s = \overline{\dim }_{B}(A,\varOmega )\}\), where \(\overline{\dim }_{B}(A,\varOmega )\) is the relative upper box dimension of (A, Ω) and coincides with the abscissa of convergence of ζ A, Ω or \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\), consists solely of nonisolated singularities of the corresponding fractal zeta function (i.e., of the relative distance or tube zeta function), ζ A, Ω or \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\).

Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović, Darko Žubrinić
Chapter 5. Fractal Tube Formulas and Complex Dimensions

In this chapter, we reconstruct information about the geometry of relative fractal drums (and, consequently, compact sets) in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) from their associated fractal zeta functions. Roughly speaking, given a relative fractal drum (A, Ω) in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) (with N ≥ 1 arbitrary), we derive an asymptotic formula for its relative tube function t ↦ | A t Ω | as t → 0+, expressed as a sum taken over its complex dimensions of the residues of its (suitably modified and meromorphically extended) fractal zeta function. The resulting asymptotic formulas are called fractal tube formulas and are valid either pointwise or distributionally, as well as with or without an error term, depending on the growth properties of the associated fractal zeta functions. We note that these fractal tube formulas are expressed either in terms of the tube zeta function \(\tilde{\zeta }_{A,\varOmega }\) or, more interestingly, in terms of the distance zeta function ζ A, Ω . The results of this chapter generalize to higher dimensions and arbitrary relative fractal drums the corresponding ones obtained previously for fractal strings by the first author and M. van Frankenhuijsen. We illustrate these results by obtaining fractal tube formulas for a number of well-known fractal sets, including the Sierpiński gasket and 3-carpet along with higher-dimensional analogs, a version of the graph of the Cantor function (i.e., of the devil’s staircase), fractal strings, fractal sprays, self-similar sprays and tilings, as well as certain non self-similar fractals, such as fractal nests and unbounded geometric chirps. We also apply these results in an essential way in order to obtain and establish a Minkowski measurability criterion for a large class of relative fractal drums (and, in particular, of bounded sets) in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\), with N ≥ 1 arbitrary. More specifically, under appropriate hypotheses, a relative fractal drum (and, in particular, a bounded set) in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) of (upper) Minkowski dimension D is shown to be Minkowski measurable if and only if its only complex dimension with real part equal to D is D itself, and D is simple. We also discuss the notion of fractality defined in our context as the presence of at least one nonreal complex dimension. We show, in particular, that as is expected and intuitive, (a variant of) the Cantor graph (or devil’s staircase) is “fractal” in our sense, whereas as is well known, it is not “fractal” in Mandelbrots’s sense.

Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović, Darko Žubrinić
Chapter 6. Classification of Fractal Sets and Concluding Comments
In this last chapter, we first introduce a refinement of the classification of bounded sets in \( \mathbb{R}^{N} \) which had begun with the well-known distinction between Minkowski nondegenerate and Minkowski degenerate sets. Further distinction will be made by classifying fractals according to the properties of their tube functions and allowing, in particular, more general scaling laws than the standard power laws. We then provide a short historical survey concerning notions pertaining to Minkowski measurability and related topics which play an important role in this work. We conclude the book with a few remarks, a long list of open problems, and propose several directions for future research. The research problems and directions proposed here connect many different aspects of fractal geometry, number theory, complex analysis, functional analysis, harmonic analyis, complex dynamics and conformal dynamics, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, spectral theory and spectral geometry, as well as nonsmooth analysis and geometry.
Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović, Darko Žubrinić
Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums
verfasst von
Michel L. Lapidus
Goran Radunović
Darko Žubrinić
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