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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

7. From Jidoka to Jidoka 4.0

verfasst von : Juliano Endrigo Sordan, Paolo Chiabert

Erschienen in: Lean Manufacturing in Latin America

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Jidoka combines automation with human touch (autonomation). This concept has attracted worldwide attention as a vital component of the Lean Manufacturing approach towards zero defects. This chapter provides an overview of Jidoka practices, including andon systems, poka-yoke devices, digital Jidoka solutions, and their applications. The purpose is not only to present concepts and definitions but also to discuss an evolutionary view of one of the two pillars of the Toyota Production System, from the traditional Jidoka to Jidoka 4.0. A literature review of Jidoka applied in manufacturing processes is presented, including its origins, implementation processes, and expected benefits. In addition, this chapter presents barriers and critical success factors for implementing Jidoka on the shop floor as well as provides a quick bibliometric view regarding the scientific production on the topic published in the Scopus database between 2002 and 2023. Finally, a case study from the automotive industry is reported to illustrate a practical example of Jidoka 4.0.

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From Jidoka to Jidoka 4.0
verfasst von
Juliano Endrigo Sordan
Paolo Chiabert


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