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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Further Discussion: A Novel—The Falling Apples

verfasst von : Zhiqiang Zhang

Erschienen in: Fundamental Problems and Solutions in Finance

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Human progress depends on scientific progress; Scientific progress depends on the contributions of scientists. Why do scientists make scientific discoveries? Seeing the fall of apples, different people may make different conclusions, and more people are blind or indifferent to the phenomenon, while Newton could discover the law of gravitation. Why? In fact, the important source of scientific discovery is scientific thinking, which Engels called theoretical thinking. The lack of scientific or theoretical thinking is one of the important reasons for the lack of progress of disciplines like finance. In the form of a novel, this Further Discussion reveals and emphasizes the importance of theoretical thinking, hoping to enlighten the financial science that is trapped in the mire.

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There is no PM2.5 in that time; PM250 consists mainly the broken leaves.
By the way, the professional or research articles were no longer called articles, they used to be called as essay, thesis or dissertation. Now the prevailing name is “paper”. Newton did not adapt to this term for a long time. Every time he heard or talked about it, he felt like “waste paper” or “toilet paper”.
For unknown reasons, as a prevailing expression, sending articles now was called submitting manuscripts.
Further Discussion: A Novel—The Falling Apples
verfasst von
Zhiqiang Zhang
Springer Nature Singapore

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