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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Future Changes in Extreme Rainfall Over the South Korea: Based on AR6 Climate Scenarios

verfasst von : Sunghun Kim, Miru Seo, HeeChul Kim, Taewon Lee, Gyobeom Kim, Jun-Haeng Heo

Erschienen in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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In this study, future extreme rainfall characteristics (frequency, duration, and intensity) over South Korea were analyzed using the ensemble mean climate models (based on HadGEM3-RA, WRF, CCLM, GRIMs, and RegCM4) from the CIP (climate information portal, http://​www.​climate.​go.​kr/​). Four SSP–RCP (shared socioeconomic pathway–representative concentration pathway) scenarios (SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, and SSP585) were used to estimate the rainfall quantiles. The observed data were collected for 615 sites in South Korea from 1961 to 2020. Furthermore, the simulated data from the climate model were produced into the historical period (1979–2014, S0) and the future period (2015–2100) focused on the East Asia region, and the spatial resolution is 25 km. The inverse distance weighting (IDW) method was used for extracting the rainfall data of interesting sites (spatial disaggregation). And then, the regional quantile delta mapping (RQDM) method was applied for the bias correction, and the future periods were divided into 2021–2040 (S1), 2041–2060 (S2), 2061–2080 (S3), and 2081–2100 (S4). The extreme rainfall quantiles were estimated using the regional frequency analysis (based on GEV and L-moments). In addition, the rainfall quantiles were compared for each future period, and the prospects of climate change were assessed spatially for the results of AR6 scenarios in South Korea.

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Zurück zum Zitat Kim S, Seo M, Kwon J-H, Heo J-H (2021) Evaluating future rainfall quantiles in South Korea based on the CMIP6 projections. In: Proceedings of AGU Fall Meeting Conference, held at New Orleans, LA & online everywhere, 13–17 Dec 2021 Kim S, Seo M, Kwon J-H, Heo J-H (2021) Evaluating future rainfall quantiles in South Korea based on the CMIP6 projections. In: Proceedings of AGU Fall Meeting Conference, held at New Orleans, LA & online everywhere, 13–17 Dec 2021
Zurück zum Zitat Ministry of Environment (MOE) (2019) Standard guidelines on flood estimation. MOE, South Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (2019) Standard guidelines on flood estimation. MOE, South Korea
Zurück zum Zitat National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) (2013) Estimation of future design rainstorm under the climate change scenario in Peninsula Malaysia. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) (2013) Estimation of future design rainstorm under the climate change scenario in Peninsula Malaysia. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia
Zurück zum Zitat Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (1975) Flood studies report. NERC, United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (1975) Flood studies report. NERC, United Kingdom
Future Changes in Extreme Rainfall Over the South Korea: Based on AR6 Climate Scenarios
verfasst von
Sunghun Kim
Miru Seo
HeeChul Kim
Taewon Lee
Gyobeom Kim
Jun-Haeng Heo
Springer Nature Singapore