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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Gamification in Cybersecurity Training: High-Level Properties of Cybersecurity Games

verfasst von : Victoria Marciano, Jaco du Toit, Rhulani Maluleka

Erschienen in: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This paper examines high-level gamification properties, including mechanics, principles, engagement, and cybersecurity considerations suitable for educational settings. Utilising a literature review, the study consolidates these facets. Through this synthesis, the paper aims to present a unified understanding of gamification’s theoretical constructs and its pragmatic implications in education, specifically focusing on imparting cybersecurity concepts. A set of five properties that describe gamification in cybersecurity training is identified. The properties are described, and the relationship between the properties is described. The properties and their relationships form a foundation when developing cybersecurity training games.

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Gamification in Cybersecurity Training: High-Level Properties of Cybersecurity Games
verfasst von
Victoria Marciano
Jaco du Toit
Rhulani Maluleka