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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

17. Gemba

verfasst von : Luis Javier Márquez Figueroa, Jorge Luis García Alcaraz, José Roberto Díaz Reza, Joel Quintana Alvarado

Erschienen in: Lean Manufacturing in Latin America

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter investigates the main concepts of Gemba, reporting on its concepts and evolution since its origin in Japan. It indicates how it was adopted by Western companies, the critical success factors that facilitate its implementation or adoption, and the barriers that managers may encounter. Similarly, the implementation process recommended by some authors is described, and a bibliometric analysis is performed to identify the trend in this topic, the primary authors, the most productive journals, and the most cited ones. Finally, a case study is reported, in which Gemba walks are used to analyze how to reduce errors in the license labeling process in a production line. The results indicate that Gemba allows errors to be quickly identified in collaboration with employees; therefore, its use is widely recommended.

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verfasst von
Luis Javier Márquez Figueroa
Jorge Luis García Alcaraz
José Roberto Díaz Reza
Joel Quintana Alvarado


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