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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Geometrical Optimisation of Smart Sandwich Plates Using the Bees Algorithm

verfasst von : Nguyen Dinh Duc, Tran Quoc Quan

Erschienen in: Intelligent Engineering Optimisation with the Bees Algorithm

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The geometrical optimisation of smart sandwich plates on Pasternak-type elastic foundations is presented in this chapter. The basic equations are derived based on Reddy’s higher-order shear deformation plate theory and Hamilton’s principle, taking into account the effect of von Kármán kinematic nonlinearity. The forms of possible solutions and electric and magnetic potentials are chosen as double trigonometric functions based on boundary conditions. The expressions of the natural frequency and the critical buckling load are determined by using the Galerkin method. The Bees Algorithm is applied to obtain the maximum values of the natural frequency and the critical buckling load of the sandwich plate, which depends on geometrical and material parameters.

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Zurück zum Zitat Gibson LJ, Ashby MF (1997) Cellular solids: structure and properties. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, Second Edition Gibson LJ, Ashby MF (1997) Cellular solids: structure and properties. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, Second Edition
Zurück zum Zitat Haghgoo M, Ansari R, Hassanzadeh-Aghdam MK, Darvizeh A (2019) Fully coupled thermo-magneto-electro-elastic properties of unidirectional smart composites with a piezoelectric interphase. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part C: J Mech Eng Sci, pp 2813–2829. Haghgoo M, Ansari R, Hassanzadeh-Aghdam MK, Darvizeh A (2019) Fully coupled thermo-magneto-electro-elastic properties of unidirectional smart composites with a piezoelectric interphase. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part C: J Mech Eng Sci, pp 2813–2829. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1177/​0954406218797976​
Zurück zum Zitat Reddy JN (2004) Mechanics of laminated composite plates and shells: theory and analysis. CRC Press, Boca Raton Reddy JN (2004) Mechanics of laminated composite plates and shells: theory and analysis. CRC Press, Boca Raton
Geometrical Optimisation of Smart Sandwich Plates Using the Bees Algorithm
verfasst von
Nguyen Dinh Duc
Tran Quoc Quan


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