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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

10. Global Initiatives for Clean Air

verfasst von : Sneha Gautam, Alok Sagar Gautam, Amit Awasthi, Ramsundram N.

Erschienen in: Sustainable Air

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Air pollution is a complex, transboundary challenge that significantly impacts health, ecosystems, and economies worldwide. In response to its pervasive effects, a range of global initiatives and international agreements have been established to foster coordinated action towards achieving clean air. This chapter explores pivotal frameworks designed to combat air pollution, such as international treaties, collaborative research efforts, and knowledge-sharing platforms. These agreements set ambitious emission reduction targets, promote the exchange of best practices, and provide technical and financial support to developing nations. By analyzing case studies and highlighting successful initiatives, this chapter underscores the essential role of global cooperation in mitigating air pollution, advancing environmental justice, and ensuring sustainable development for future generations. Furthermore, it examines the influence of national legislation, such as the Clean Air Act, in shaping international air quality management, the significance of public engagement, and the critical need for resilience and adaptation strategies in the face of climate change.

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Global Initiatives for Clean Air
verfasst von
Sneha Gautam
Alok Sagar Gautam
Amit Awasthi
Ramsundram N.