2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Green Vehicle Routing Optimisation Using the Bees Algorithm
verfasst von : Aryan Satpathy, Millon Madhur Das, Natalia Hartono, D. T. Pham
Erschienen in: Intelligent Engineering Optimisation with the Bees Algorithm
Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland
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The green vehicle routingGreen vehicle routing problemVehicle routing problem (GVRP) aims to find a set of vehicle tours that minimise the total distance travelled to service a subset of customers while incorporating stops at alternative fuel stations because of the vehicle's limited fuel capacity. This is the first study to investigate using the Bees AlgorithmBees algorithm to find a solution to the GVRP. The aim is to apply the Bees AlgorithmBees algorithm to the GVRP and compare the results of six optimisationOptimisation algorithmsAlgorithms. A grid searchGrid search was used to find the best parameters of the algorithmsAlgorithms. For a fair comparison, the same number function of evaluation was used as the stopping criterion for all algorithmsAlgorithms in this study. Statistical analysisStatistical analysis is used to evaluate the performance of the algorithmsAlgorithms. The results demonstrate that the Bees AlgorithmBees algorithm outperforms other algorithmsAlgorithms and can find near-optimal solutions.