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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Haptic Logos: Insight into the Feasibility of Digital Haptic Branding

verfasst von : Muhammad Abdullah, Waseem Hassan, Ahsan Raza, Seokhee Jeon

Erschienen in: Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Companies design brands to invoke distinct perceptions in customers about their products. Currently digital consumers experience the identity of a brand subconsciously through only visual and aural logos. However, the sense of touch is a valuable conduit for establishing strong connections. Although haptic properties (e.g. engrossing textures) are part of a brand’s identity in the physical world, the digital world lacks this presence. In this paper we present the concept of creating haptic logos for brands that can be digitally distributed to consumers. To achieve this task, we utilize vibrotactile haptic feedback. Haptic logos for brands were created by varying frequency, waveform and temporal properties resulting in distinct vibration patterns. We conducted two user studies: (1) assignment of appropriate haptic logos to brands by participants, and (2) judgment of the logos based on user experience and emotional response. Based on these studies, the applicability of haptic logos has been discussed.

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Haptic Logos: Insight into the Feasibility of Digital Haptic Branding
verfasst von
Muhammad Abdullah
Waseem Hassan
Ahsan Raza
Seokhee Jeon