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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Hemp-Concrete: An Alternative Sustainable Construction Material

verfasst von : Ravpreet Kaur, Harvinder Singh

Erschienen in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Global warming has accelerated dramatically in recent years, and the spike in carbon emitted into the atmosphere is a major factor in this climatic change. Nearly 40% of total carbon dioxide in the environment comes from the construction industry, necessitating the use of structure insulators. Adoption of naturally occurring green materials is the best solution. One such material is technical hemp, and its use in construction has been rekindled recently. The advantages of incorporating hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) in concrete are described in this paper. Hemp in concrete not only improves the thermal attributes of the concrete, but it also promotes the structure's strength, by protecting it from corrosion and so prolong its life. The article analyses the properties of hemp-concrete (hempcrete) to traditional concrete such as mechanical performance and durability.

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Hemp-Concrete: An Alternative Sustainable Construction Material
verfasst von
Ravpreet Kaur
Harvinder Singh
Springer Nature Singapore