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2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Home Monitoring of Elderly for Early Detection of Changes in Activity and Behavior Patterns

verfasst von : S. de Miguel-Bilbao, J. García, F. López, P. García-Sagredo, M. Pascual, B. Montero, A. Cruz Jentoft, C. H. Salvador

Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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28 real homes of elderly have been monitored during three weeks by a platform based on the BUSing protocol that consists of 5 sensors of presence and 5 sensors of action.

The objective of this study is to implement a monitoring platform in order to obtain the user profile characterized by the level of activity and periodic habits.

This short term monitoring provides the configuration parameters, indicators, and thresholds that characterize the behavior of the user independently of the topology of the monitored home. The extracted information will constitute the inputs and the configuration parameters of future long term monitoring in order to early detect physical and mental dysfunctions and the objectification of geriatric assessment.

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Home Monitoring of Elderly for Early Detection of Changes in Activity and Behavior Patterns
verfasst von
S. de Miguel-Bilbao
J. García
F. López
P. García-Sagredo
M. Pascual
B. Montero
A. Cruz Jentoft
C. H. Salvador