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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

4. Humanitarian–Development Integration? Comparing ‘Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development’, ‘Early Recovery’, ‘Resilience’ and the ‘Triple Nexus’

verfasst von : Dennis Dijkzeul, Annalisa Addis

Erschienen in: Forced Displacement and Migration

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The debate about whether and how to integrate humanitarian action and development cooperation – also known as ‘bridging the gap’ – has been ongoing for several decades. A number of approaches to engendering integration have been tried. This chapter assesses the four main ones. First, Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) is mainly limited to the European Commission, whilst the second approach, Early Recovery, is especially used within the United Nations (UN)-led cluster system. And third, especially since the Kyoto Protocol, resilience seemed to offer an opportunity to bring together the two types of action. After the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit and the arrival of UN Secretary-General Guterres at the UN, the Triple Nexus came into vogue. This chapter examines and compares the deficiencies (or gaps) in knowledge about and institutionalisation of humanitarian action and development that hamper – in overlapping, but different ways – the four approaches. We also look at the situation of South Sudanese refugees in settlement camps in northern Uganda to assess to which degree these four approaches have functioned in practice. We conclude that it is unlikely that all the deficiencies can ever be overcome.

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Even in protracted or chronic crises, many appeals are launched on an annual basis. In most humanitarian crises, joint annual plans, which used to be called consolidated appeals, have now evolved into humanitarian response plans. Flash appeals, issued shortly after a rapid-onset disaster or sudden outbreak of armed conflict or mass displacement, usually cover periods of up to six months.
Both ICRC and MSF pay considerable attention to understanding, respecting and advocating the principles. However, they do not necessarily do so in the same way. For example, ICRC is part of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, where the national societies and the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) can work more on development.
Ideally, the state would play this role, but in many crisis countries the state is either weak or unwilling to play such a role, so that aid agencies take on this responsibility (or parts of it).
Officially, “ReHoPE is a key component in the application of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), as stipulated in the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants (19 September 2016). It is a key building block of a comprehensive response to displacement in Uganda, led by the Government of Uganda and the United Nations (UN), in partnership with the World Bank, donors, development partners, national and international nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), civil society and the private sector, among others. This approach to delivering protection and social and economic development is envisaged to equally serve all refugees while they are in Uganda as well as when they eventually return to their countries of origin. ReHoPE forms a critical component of Pillar Three of the Ugandan CRRF model, with its focus on resilience and self-reliance” (UN Country Team and the World Bank 2017: vii). The New York Declaration of Refugees helped prepare the ground for the Global Compact on Refugees.
The relative success of the ReHoPE is currently increasingly under threat. In August-September 2020, the Ugandan shut down 208 international refugee NGOs, which could deprive refugees of essential aid. According to d’Orsi (2020), this suspension of aid agencies “is a signal that they must comply more strictly to the law and their mandates. It is an indication that the country needs better assistance than it has been receiving”.
This also implies that in the case of armed conflict, several humanitarian organisations will opt out of such integration because they want to respect the humanitarian principles.
Put differently, LRRD and early recovery are not officially part of the ReHoPE strategy.
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Humanitarian–Development Integration? Comparing ‘Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development’, ‘Early Recovery’, ‘Resilience’ and the ‘Triple Nexus’
verfasst von
Dennis Dijkzeul
Annalisa Addis

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