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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

2. Hurricane Impacts on Supply Chains

verfasst von : Priscilla Schelp, Heather Skipworth, Emel Aktas, Beate Vieth

Erschienen in: Supply Chain Disruptions and Stock Prices

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter explores the impact of hurricanes on supply chains and their resulting effects on stock prices. Leveraging event studies and regression analysis, it demonstrates how hurricane-induced disruptions lead to both immediate and long-term financial consequences, often triggering significant market reactions. The analysis highlights the importance of effective Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) and the critical role of transparent communication in mitigating these effects. The chapter reveals that detailed damage disclosures can reduce investor uncertainty, leading to more measured stock price responses. This insight underscores the necessity for businesses to prepare and respond strategically to natural disasters.

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Hurricane Impacts on Supply Chains
verfasst von
Priscilla Schelp
Heather Skipworth
Emel Aktas
Beate Vieth

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