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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

3. Hurricane Incident Announcements Across Sectors

verfasst von : Priscilla Schelp, Heather Skipworth, Emel Aktas, Beate Vieth

Erschienen in: Supply Chain Disruptions and Stock Prices

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter examines how stock price reactions to hurricane-induced disruptions vary across different industrial sectors. By analysing NYSE-listed firms with significant physical supply chains, the study reveals that while all sectors experience impacts from hurricanes, the magnitude and nature of these effects differ significantly. Sectors such as basic industries, capital goods, and consumer non-durables exhibit the most pronounced negative stock price reactions, highlighting their vulnerability to supply chain disruptions. Conversely, sectors like healthcare and consumer durables often see positive effects, driven by increased demand post-disaster. These findings underscore the importance of sector-specific risk management strategies and the critical role of transparent communication in mitigating negative market responses.

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Hurricane Incident Announcements Across Sectors
verfasst von
Priscilla Schelp
Heather Skipworth
Emel Aktas
Beate Vieth

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